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2 years later
November 2
6:11 a.m

"Yeah don't bring the kids today. They're going to do a lot of testing on her and you know I don't like them around that," I spoke to my mom as I stood beside of Emily.

"I know honey. They'll understand, okay? I'll be praying," she says sweetly into the phone.

"Thank you," I whisper, "I love you."

"I love you too."

I locked my iPhone and set it down on the table beside of Emily's hospital bed. It's been two years since she was shot - almost three - and she is still in coma. I couldn't bring myself to pull the plug. I'm too selfish.

Kyler is now seven and will be eight in December. Noah just turned seven last month. Tyler is now four and Audrey is now two. They've all grown up and sat in this hospital room with me for the past two years - watching they're mom sleep her life away - if you could call it that.

Audrey and Tyler think she's just really sick and will wake up soon but Kyler and Noah know otherwise. They figured out on there own.

I sit down and grab Emily's cold hand in mine. Her fingernails were still painted a shiny white with black on the wedding finger on both hands. Her fingernail polish never managed to even scrape or chip off. Maybe because she isn't doing anything.

Emily's mother, Lisa, has been here everyday since she found out. Her and I slowly rebuilt our bond and now we help each other through everything when she is gone in testing. Her mother is able to stay strong but I'm not. I'm a cry baby. But aren't I allowed to cry in a situation like this? I would hope so.

She slept with the same mask on her face everyday. Her hair so greasy you could fry and egg on it. There was no way of washing her hair but I always scrubbed her body down with soap and water every night. Over the years, I have developed a bad back from my sleeping arrangements. There was a couch that folded out into a bed but I was too stubborn to leave her side. I slept in the wooden chair every night.

"Okay Jason," a nurse that I have become used to over the years walked in. Her name is Chelsea, "we will be taking her now."

"Okay," I smile and look towards the door as it opens. Lisa walks in and smiles towards me. I return the favor and watch as she walks over and kisses Emily's forehead.

"Goodbye baby girl," she whispers and pats her shoulder. She comes and stand by me as the nurse wheels her out, "hey."

"Hey," my shaky voice cracks as I take the chance to lie down.

"You do that everytime. You only lie down when she's in testing."

"And she tests' once a week. Perfect for me," I smile lazily towards her and wipe the corners of my eyes that were watery from lack of sleep.

"How are the kids?" She questions.

"They're doing good." I mutter and hug the black pillow to my chest. This is now how I get my cuddles.

"It's time Jason," I hear Lisa faintly whisper.

"Please don't say that to me," I peek my eyes open and stare at her, "I'm not ready to let go yet."

"But she is. If she wasn't then she'd be awake by now."

"I'm not ready," I whisper and hug the pillow tighter to my chest.

"I know you aren't but honey," she walks over and rests' her hand on my thigh, "it's time."

"Please," I whisper and squeeze my eyes closed as tight as I could to try and get away from reality for a bit.

"I know, I know. It's not my decision to make. Just choose wisely."

I shakily let out a breath of relief. I can't let go. Not now.

9:12 a.m

I hold her hand tightly in mine once again.

"Daddy," Kyler looks at me, "can I go and get some chips? I'm hungry."

"Yeah, I'll go with you," I smile and stand up. I place a kiss on her forehead and look at all of my kids, "let's all go down."

We soon returned with around ten bags of chips, five drinks for all of us and some chocolate.

"Sit right here and eat it, okay?" I whisper and set them up a little table that they all sat at and ate. Audrey sat in my lap and fed me her chips.

"Daddy," she taps my shoulder, "I love you."

"I love you too, pumpkin," I smile and kiss her little button nose that looked just like Emily's. She is a duplicate of Emily.

"I love mommy too," she nibble on the corner of a Dorito.

"Me too," I whisper in her ear and kiss her cheek.

"Please don't pull the plug," she looks up at me with sad and teary eyes.

"What?" I ask in total shock.

"Mamma said that you would maybe pull a plug and I don't want you too," she started crying.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into my chest, "I'm not pulling a plug baby girl."

While I was hugging her, I looked over her shoulder and saw Kyler watching us. I know he heard what she said. He looked in my eyes and gave me a sad look. My baby boy.

My mom soon picked them up around noon and I just sat in the quiet room. I heard her fluids drop into the bag that had the tube attached to her IV. I can't make her suffer any longer. It's not fair. But I can't lose her.

I start to cry as I fill up the same black bucket, put her kiwi scented body wash in the water and splash it around to create bubbles. When she runs out, I make her mom buy the same bottle again. It's what she always used at home.

I put the wash rag in the bucket and get it wet by pushing down on it. I carry the bucket out of the bathroom and into the the room. I set it down on her bedside table and walk to the door before locking it.

I strip her from her hospital gown and pick the wash cloth up. I start on her face and wash it so she doesn't have oily skin and end up with fifty zits on her face. I work down her neck, then her shoulders. I reach her breast and run the cloth over them. I re-wet it and wash down her stomach and down her sides. I got her back as best as I could and moved down to her pubic area. I ran the soapy cloth over her...area and washed everything else. I grabbed her new raiser that I recently bought and started shaving her legs. I cleaned it out and shaved her public area before moving to her arm pits. I redressed her and covered her up. I just wish I could do her hair.

I will when she wakes up...

A:N - so this is what Jason has been doing for the past two years...wby??

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