First Chapter

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Hello, it meeeee, Percy Jackson. Obviously. But this isn't where you'd expect me to be... In in a bar, with Jason and, um, Nico. Don't actually know why he's here really.

"So, Jason, what are planning on doing this weekend?" I asked as it was already Thursday night.

"Oh, yeah, I'm organizing a camp fire on Friday night." He smiled.

It was pretty cool, being twenty five and being teachers at camp half blood.

"And Nico?" I looked over at him, making him go even paler than usual.

"Nothing" and I turned back to Jason.

"What's it?" I asked
"Call from Piper, got to take it, so sorry."

And off he walked, with me eavesdropping on his and Pipers conversation.


Yes Piper?

I've got something I was meaning
to tell you...

And? What is it?

I'm pregnant, we're having a child, gonna be parents, may pass out!!!

Don't worry, Piper, I'll be there as soon as I can.

You gonna fly?

I'm gonna fly...

An off ran my dearest Jason who was gonna be a dad changing diapers well me and Annabeth party.

Score for me.

Next night
At the campfire
Nico's point of view

Fire. That fire Jason made was too hot... And made me remember the camping trips with Bianca, making a tear roll down my cheek.

The sadness didn't last too long as Leo ran up to the fire saying "It's sure hot, but not as hot meeee!!"

and going off afterwards to go build something just to put it in storage, cause we never see it.

Or he's selling it on the black market.

Who we talking about again?

Scratch the whole black market thing.

Leo couldn't.

No offense dude.

Campfires starting!

Sing, sing, sing, singggg, is what everyone else did, well I sat there laughing inside, outside was a scowl, naturally.


The fire twisted and turned and out of it popped.... Dad?

"Nico, my son?" He called out before shifting into Pluto "Hazel, my dearest daughter?" And shifting back again.

I saw Hazel step forward, so followed her forwards towards dad, in his not scary form.

"My dearest children." Everyone stared at us. "Time for...." Said dad in a rather scarily and threatening voice... "Family vacation!" Everyone stares weirdly at us now

"Dad? What are you on about?"

He scowled "I'm off, there was a war and they need my help getting the souls so your dearest mother..."

I cut him off

He looked at me
"Sorry, right. Your dearest stepmother wishes you to help her maintain the castle until my return."

And zap
In the castle
Of hades
Oh joy

"Bye son! Bye Hazel!" And dad was gone, leaving us here. With her.

Our stepmother came out of the mist.

"Oh, my stepchildren... Now here are the rules... No touching my garden, unless your gonna eat it." She scowled
"Two, if you leave, make sure you return dead."

She moved towards us.

"No going into my room! OR YOU DIEEEE!!"

And she walked away.

"Nico?" Asked Hazel

"What do we do?"

I was now feeling as if I was her only hope of survival in this dump.

"Let's explore."

Later that day
Hazels point of view..

Nico has been really nice.
And the exploring has been, fun.

We went and left the room we were in, "what is that?" I asked Nico

It was a really big and pretty door that we heard weird noises through.

"A place for damned souls?" I asked

"I don't know but let's explore.."

Back at camp,
Jason's point of view...
Poor, Piper, she's been out cold for days, since she gave me that call, hopefully she's ok, hopefully the baby is ok.

"Will the baby be ok?" I asked the doctor, scared.

"BABY?!" Shouted... Piper?
Piper was seated with sweat rolling off her face
"Jason!" She shouted "The baby!"

The doctor, Phyllis, daughter of Apollo of course, came running.

"The baby should be ok, Piper, we just need to focus on you, ok? The babies life depends on you." And she walked away.

"Piper?" I asked

Pipers point of view..
Oh my god, how long was I out?
I was freaking out, the baby! What is happening with our baby!

I saw Phyllis walk in
"What about our baby?"

"Not baby."

Wtf was it then?

Oh Shoot.

"Jason! Percy! Annabeth!"
Called Chiron

"Go, there must be a problem."
He nodded and got up shakily
Before running out of the room

Percy's point of view...
"Yes?" I asked Chiron, who was more pale than Nico, meaning he was as white as snow.

"This," he took a breath
"Is Kayla."
He said, revealing a girl who was standing next to him, guess we didn't notice her.

"Whose her godly parent?"

Chiron shook his head.
"I don't know, she hasn't said"

I looked over at her, turned to Annabeth and winked at her.

"Wise girl, try."

Annabeth walked over to Kayla, an smiled "Hi honey, do you know who your godly mum or dad is?"

She shook her head.
I had an idea.

"Kayla, who did you stay with?"

"My, my... Dad."

I thought but Annabeth beat me to the next question.

"Who is your dad?"

She loosened up a bit, probably thanks to the thought of her dad and her home.

"Fred." She took a breath
"Fred Preston."

Ok, that's a start.

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