Chapter 29- Still Adele

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Hi guys! Doing my note BEFORE the chapter starts, just to spice things up a little for us all, and yes, Adele fans, it's a pleasure, that she has two (maybe more) chapters, CAUTION I said '12 special appearances' for the sake of the Christmas song and Christmas reference, I am probably going to exceed 12, sorry if you wanted me to be more accurate--- if you have a suggestion for a special guest, comment, first comment first serve basis--
And then don't forget to vote and comment and PM or comment to attend Percabeth's wedding and a character description if you want a character in the wedding special.... Thanks!!!!!
RainbowUnicorn Hugs!
Rant done.

Annabeth's point of view

"Honey, do you watch TLC?" Adele asked me, smiling, like a six year old would when they are keeping a secret or did something naughty...

"No." I said

"You ever heard of 'Say Yes To The Dress'?" She asked, slightly disappointed and hopeful that I actually know what she was on about.

"No..." I said , sorry Adele.

"It's this show about this big and awesome wedding dress shop, Linksfield if I'm correct, and... Guess what?" She asked happily, I noticed the other two squeeling under their breath behind her.

"We are going there for my dress..?" I guessed, but honestly it was pretty obvious, to me, not the the others

"Really?!" Shouted silky.

"Yep, we sure are girls!!" Adele said happily, she seemed excited thanks to my overexcited friends.

"Don't tell me Adele..." Said Alexa, who looked happier than ever "that we are getting help from .... RANDY?!" She shouted, guess he was a big shot in the wedding dress industry.

"Yep, the best in the style business's and wedding business I a coming to help you choose a dress!" She squeezed my hand, either happily from happiness or she was feeling kinda sick from the flight.

I she was scared since the Pegasus, Melanie, was diving down to land on the roof of what seemed to be the big building that was exciting my friends and favorite star.

We hopped off the Pegasus and I followed the other three walked slowly, admiring the floor, and sky and basically looked like maniacs.

We went over to the edge and climbed slowly down a ladder off the roof.

We walked into reception where the lady was looking at her computer, typing, and her phone, playing candy crush, totally, almost, ignoring our existence.

She slowly, depressingly and gloomily said "Good Day, welcome to Linksfield how may I help you? Have you got an appointment?" She asked, still not looking up

"No" said silky, the lady frowned and scowled, still not looking, "then get out!!" She shouted, not looking.

"Well that ain't nice, and I don't like you!" Shouted Adele so Camp Half Blood probably heard her.

"And why should I care if you like me or not?" She said rudely

"Well are you an Adele fan?" Aske adele,
"Of course, dim wit, I love her, now if you were her you could walk right through, but you poor thing can't." We started walking through

"I can hear your footsteps walking right through...!" I grimaced a little as I saw Adele smirk

"Well you said, Adele can walk right through." Smiled Adele, the lady finally looks up, seeing Adele, she was white "I'm so sorry, so sorry!!" Adele was obviously angry.

"Well, you can keep the sorry for your boss, my personal friend, on your mistreating of customers." And we walked away into the Linksfield office.

"Randy! How wonderful to see you! This is Annabeth!" Said an overexcited, but acting calm, Adele as she gestured towards me.

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