Chapter 5- Love Thy Neighbor

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Chapter 5- Love Thy Neighbor


I could tell my confession had caught him off guard as he was oddly quiet and wore the look of sheer surprise in his face. At that moment I wanted to crawl in a whole and hide.

I couldn’t have picked a worse way to tell him. Sometimes I have no tact. It’s quite sad really.

Aiden’s blue eyes held mine with an unmistakable emotion in them that even the most unobservant person couldn’t miss. How could they. I’d never seen him so disheartening. 

I didn’t know that having a boyfriend would really affect him this much.

At the worst possible time to have my phone ring, it did just that. It was almost as if it were screaming for me to pick it up. I could already sense the importance of it seeing as this made the third time Cam had called me in the last ten minutes.

Maybe I should put this awkwardness aside for a few minutes while I answer it. He wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t absolutely necessary. I wonder what’s up.

Pressed the receive button and brought the phone to my ear almost immediately before walking back to m room.


“Hey babe, I just needed to get a quick call out before I boarded the plane. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to answer.”

As I dropped down on my bed I repeated his words in my head to make sure I heard him right before replying. “Flight? Where are you going?”

“My mom just got word from a hospital in Arizona that my grandma has fallen ill. Her bothers called her to come down for a few days to sort out the Will should anything happen.”

I was surprised at how detached he sounded while discussing his grandmother. Had he not even cared she was not doing well? If something were to happen to my grandmother I would be devastated no question about it.

“I’m sorry to hear that. How long will you be gone?”

“I should be back on Friday if everything goes according to plan. If it takes longer than that then I’ll catch a flight back with my dad when he stops off on his way home.”

“Is there anything I can do?” I check before he hangs up.

“Actually there is.” He says a bit hesitant and unsure. “Could you pick Roxy up from my house and drop her off at the Vet tomorrow? They offer an overnight boarding service and we’ve arranged for them to keep her until we get back.”

I was appalled by the idea of Cam’s sweet little Collie being left at a strange place for four days with no one she knew. I couldn’t allow that. Why had he not asked me to keep her? I’d love to. In fact I’d keep her if he’d let me.

“There is no need for that. I’d be happy to keep her with me until you get back.” I stated.

“Bailey, I couldn’t ask that of you. She can be a lot to handle. Besides, I don’t think your mom would allow you to keep a dog inside your house.”

“You act like I’ve never had a dog before.” I giggle. “I remember how it works.”

It had been almost three months since Snickers Passing, but I still remembered fairly well. It wasn’t that long ago.

“I don’t know. Are you are?”

“Positive. I’d love to keep her. I’ll go get her now if you’d like. I was thinking of going to get some ice cream anyway.”

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