Chapter 16- Get Better Soon

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Chapter 16- Get Better Soon


Monday at school Charlotte was more than ecstatic to see me. She told me that Nick looked at her in the parking lot this morning and she had been gushing about it ever since. I could help laughing at her over it. She was so funny when she got excited over something as little as that. I really needed to fix them up soon. In second period he was all she could talk about.

I felt like today was going to be a good one. So far Sage hadn’t made her usual appearance and Cam seemed to be good spirits. He smiled at me and we talked briefly before school this morning. I was happy the he didn’t seem to hold anything against me for the other night. Deep down Cam was a really good person. You just have to look past his faults to see it.

I drove myself to school this morning. Mom lent me the car since Martin has insisted on driving her around everywhere now. He treats her just like a China Doll; fragile. It’s funny to see her get annoyed at him for smothering her too much. Her anger never lasts long, but it’s entertaining while it lasts.

Aiden didn’t come to school today so I was left all on my own today. That part about my day wasn’t so great, but we can’t have everything. I’ll deal. I need to be sure to take him some soup after school today. When he called me this morning to say he wasn’t going to school, he sounded horrible. He had contracted the stomach virus somehow and wasn’t getting out of bed. I hope it’s only a twenty four hour bug. Maybe if I’m lucky I won’t get it too. That would be the worst.

I stared down at the mathematical equation in front of me and tried to focus. I desperately needed to get my mind on this. My thoughts were everywhere today. This quiz will count as a fourth of our average this semester and failing isn’t an option.

By the end of the class period I felt dumber than when I can in this morning. This was no easy quiz. I didn’t feel very confident that I would score anything above a C. It’s no lie I didn’t have very much time for studying lately. School was not a priority for me right now and that needed to change before my grades sunk even lower.

“How do you think you did?” Charlotte asked me as we were on our way out the door.

“Terribly,” I admitted. “I’ll be lucky to not get grounded when I get the results back.”

“Really?” she asked. “I’m sorry. I’m probably not going to do so great either. I didn’t get much studying in between helping my mom with the twins this weekend.”

I rolled my eyes at her and laughed. “Please, you’re a brainiac. You’ll pass.”

Once I reached my locker I started piling my books inside to rid myself of their heavy weight. Charlotte moved down a few spaces to her locker as well. Soon I was surrounded by my somewhat neglected friends. I felt bad about that. I’ve been a terrible friend.

“I’ve missed you so much this weekend. We have tons to discuss,” Maddie said.

“Like why you or Drew wasn’t at the party Saturday?” I teased. “What were you two doing?”

She blushed and turned away from me.

“Aiden isn’t with you today. Should we be worried?” Charity piped in with an amused expression in her face.

“No,” I grinned. “He’s just sick today. The stomach bug is making its way around.”

“Ew,” Colleen screamed before jumping back at least three feet. “Please tell me you aren’t sick.”

“I’m not,” I assured her. “I have a full proof plan to prevent myself from getting sick.” I said it with confidence.

“What?” they all asked.

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