Chapter 10- Hakuna Matata

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Chapter 10- Hakuna Matata

“…And then after two days of opposition from both sides they ultimately agreed on an outcome and split the inheritance.”

I sat there only half listening to the rest of Cam’s story of the events during his trip and nodded along convincingly. In reality was violently shaking on the inside and I couldn’t hardly think of anything else other than Cam’s reaction to the news I was about to delivery to him.

It wouldn’t be easy.

“I’m glad it all worked out,” I smiled sincerely.

Even though I’d only been half paying attention I got the gist of the story. His grandmother had eventually decided to let his Mother back in the will a few days before her passing so everything worked out good for him and his family. I’m not entirely sure what the whole disagreement between them was about in the first place, but I didn’t feel like it was my place to ask. After all, I was only his girlfriend not his wife.

I kept a close watch on the cafeteria door throughout most of our conversation watching for Aiden’s appearance. I hadn’t spoken to him since yesterday when I told him Cam was bringing me to school and I could only hope he didn’t feel like I ditched him for my boyfriend. Although, I’m sure it seemed that way. What could I have done though?

“Bailey, you okay? You seem kind of spaced out.” Cam’s voice brought me out of my thoughts and I quickly focus back on him.

My heart quickened up in pace with every second that went by without Cam knowing the truth. That’s what most of the nervousness was really about. I had failed to tell the truth and I was going to pay for.

“Actually, no.” I admitted. “In fact I really need to confess something to you.”

Cam didn’t seem to like this bit of information has his look became increasingly concerned by my words. “Why do I feel worried?”

I shook my head. “Just hear me out before you get upset, okay?”

An unreadable expression formed on his face as he stared back at me. “Uh…ok.”

My heart rate was dramatically increasing with anxiousness. I knew that I should just come out with it and get it over with, but I just couldn’t find the right words. How do you tactfully tell someone your best friend’s not gay?

Not exactly a conversation starter, is it?

Maybe if I just said it really fast and ran, I wouldn’t have to endure Cam’s wrath. It’s only expected. Although, if I ran, it wouldn’t take him long to find me. The same issues would still be waiting for me when we spoke again and I couldn’t go on avoiding him forever.  Sometimes I hate doing the right thing.

“Should I feel alarmed that you’ve not said anything for the past minute?”

I hadn’t realized I had zoned out that long. Well that’s embarrassing. See what getting lost in your own head can do?

I gave a light nervous giggle before convincing myself to do the honorable thing. Tell the truth.

“You see…there something about Aiden that you may have misconstrued before.” I gulped. “You see the truth is…he might not be as gay as I have let on.”

A mixture of expressions passed over his face, but he seemingly still didn’t get exactly what I was trying to convey.

“You mean like, Kinsey 6?” He suggested adding a certain humor to the atmosphere.

I grimaced. “Not even Kinsey 1.”

At that point I could tell that Cam got the message perfectly and he became a little puzzled. “Then why did you tell me he was.”

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