Chapter 12- Speechless

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Chapter 12- Speechless

This morning, something was different. I couldn’t explain it. It just was. Perhaps it was partly due to the fact that I didn’t have a boyfriend this morning verses the others. Or maybe it was because after the scene at the party last night my friends hadn’t even called to see if I was ok.

 Aiden was already out of the bed and in the shower by the sound of it. His bathroom door was closed and I could just see the light peeking out from under it. I let my eyes wonder to the closet next to it and saw that Aiden must have already chosen his wear for the day so there wouldn’t be any awkward moments, like him walking out naked or anything. I’m not so sure my poor heart could take that.

My phone beeped gaining my attention from the wooden door that concealed Aiden and I reached for my bag beside the bed to find it. Once it was in hand I picked my glasses up of the table next to me and placed them on to get a better view of the screen.

 2 New Messages

 3 Missed Calls

I began cycling through my calls first and saw two from Maddie and one from Cameron. I huffed in annoyance from just seeing his name on my screen. Why does he want? Wasn’t the last night confrontation enough?

I angrily accessed my messages and the first one was from Cam.

We need to talk about last night. Call me.

The latter was from Maddie….

Hey, I heard about last night. Coleen called me. What happened?

I didn’t feel like going into the entire explanation so early in the morning so I texted her back a simple Explain later, Reply and put away my phone. I didn’t even bother with replying to Cameron. I was in no mood to speak to him right now….or ever.

When the sound of the shower cut off I quickly jumped from the bed and began fixing my hair in the refection of his TV in hopes of making my mismanaged hair look somewhat tame. Luck was on my side. I tied it into a messy bun and straightened out my pink cami and shorts pajamas just before the bathroom door opened and Aiden stepped out.

I was quickly taken off guard by the fact he was only sporting a towel and nothing else. I deeply blushed and turned away.

“Sorry. I thought that you’d still be asleep. It’s before noon.” He joked trying to make light of this very awkward situation.

“I thought you’d get ready in the bathroom.” I was still refusing to look at him and slow water droplets that fell from his hair and onto his bare shoulders and chest. I would not be caught gawking.

He trailed across the room in front of me to his dresser and pulled out pair of blue boxers and crunched them up in his hand. “Yeah, I forgot something.”

He didn’t seem nearly as awkward as I did standing there before him and I wasn’t even naked. Jeez Aiden put some clothes on for the love of all that’s Holey.

“Oh,” was my genius reply. Sadly my brain could not come up with anything better so again I blushed and looked away from him in a hurry. Perhaps he didn’t see that. If only I could be so lucky.

“I guess I’ll just….” He trailed off looking towards the bathroom.

“Yeah, I was just going to go use the bathroom down stairs anyway.”

I grabbed my bag from the floor and carried it with me as I escaped his room in a rush. I couldn’t have been happier once I was in the confinement of the guest bathroom. Now I could blush all I wanted to without fear of being seen.

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