Chapter 23- Decisions

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Chapter 23- Decisions

Since Aiden had made his sudden appearance back in my life only three months ago things, today, seemed more normal than usual. As part of the ruse to confuse Cam, Aiden had kept his distance from me, only seeing me after school and on weekends. I was missing him with every passing day.

And so it began. I had unintentionally created two identities, Aiden’s best friend and Cam’s ex-girlfriend. I could no longer be both. While Aiden had his friends, I had mine. And he was slowly starting to get on Cam’s good side just like he predicted. It’s amazing at how much nicer Cam had become toward him since he realized Aiden I weren’t together.

 Or so he thought anyway. It was easier for him to be oblivious to our true relationship status.

Madison, Sage, Charity, Coleen and I took our usual seats at Cam’s table along with all the other Jocks, and just like that, it was as if Aiden ever came back. That thought pained me and I missed him.

He stared at me across the table and gave me an encouraging smile, reminding me that I could do this and it helped. I offered him a smile back, the best I could muster and picked up my fork to eat my lunch. 

My eyes began to wonder around the cafeteria to everyone smiling and laughing with their friends and boyfriends/girlfriends and I was jealous of them. I wanted that for myself, but when it all go to be too much I just had to remind myself that every day I was closer to getting that.

Aiden’s plan was working, but just a little too slowly. A month is a long time to hide our relationship.

Charlotte was next to Nick giggling about something that he said while he smiled at her laugh. I was happy that things worked out for them. My group of friends had slowly accepted her in, some more than others. Sage and Coleen were still struggling with the fact that Nick chose a girl friend outside of their social circle, but at least they didn’t look down their nose at her so much anymore.

Even Sage and I were getting along a little better than we used to. I think it was the fact that I was “single” and she actually had a boy friend now. I think it made her feel superior to me in some way.

She finally gave up on her relationship with Cam a few weeks ago when she realized that even though he was single he wasn’t getting back with her. Surprisingly though they still remained friends. Just like he and I had. Though I could tell he still hoped for something more.

“Is it weird that Sage is so happy?” Madison asked me behind her can of sprite.

“A little,” I replied and laughed. “It just seems so unnatural.”

“I know. Bradley was the best thing that ever happened to her.”

I gave her a teasing smile. “Think it will last?”

She shrugged and sat her drink down. “Only time will tell.”

Cam sat down with his lunch between me and Charlotte and threw his arm lazily around me. He gave me a crooked smile and shook me playfully under him.

“You coming to the game tonight?”

My eyes flashed to Aiden for an answer, unknowing if we already had plans. He gave me a slight and unnoticeable nod in answer to my unasked question.

“Yeah, I’ll be there,” I said.

“Good. You should bring your brother too. He likes baseball doesn’t he?”

I nodded. “Yeah, but my dad didn’t bring him this weekend. I’m going to his house.”

Cam really liked Max and vice versa. I only brought him around a few times, but when I did they had a lot of fun.

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