Chapter 11- Two Can Play at That Game

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Chapter 11- Two Can Play at That Game

I’ve been a lot of things in life. I’ve been a best friend, a girlfriend, an outcast, and most recently miss popular. But one thing I wasn’t, or ever would be, is a pushover. Cameron had already tried that when he was attempted to convince me to let go of my friendship with Aiden. As if it would be that easy. I would not let six years of friendship be thrown away all for the sake of a relationship. Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever.

I was a firm believer in that saying. Although I truly cared for Cam and wanted to be with him, I’d never choose him over my friendship. I’d like it very much of I could have both, but I know that possibility is very unlikely.

It’s funny how one fight can make you feel like your broken up with someone. Sometimes it was hard to tell but from experience he usually told me when it was over verses letting me figure it out for myself. However, this time, he hadn’t and by the way Sage was hanging all over his arm, it didn’t appear he thought he was in a relationship either.

“I’m gonna go fight the crowd for something to drink. You want anything?” Aiden offered.

“Water will be fine.” I answered quickly only to be distracted by the sight that angered me in the first place. Cam was standing across the room with a drink in one hand and the other wrapped around a certain raven haired whore.

“Okay, I’ll see what I can find.” He said turning and making his way to the busy kitchen.

I knew before I even walked over in Cam’s direction that I shouldn’t approach him while he’d been drinking, but something in me snapped when I saw Sage here and I couldn't hold back. My body was forcing me to go. He needed to be confronted. Nothing about this was okay.

“Well, look who decided to show up?” He was tipsy, but not quite wasted. If I had to guess, I’d say his drinking had only had only progressed throughout the night.

“I need to speak to you.” I did nothing to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

When he didn’t move I crossed my arms over my chest and continued. “Alone.”

I had done my best to look intimidating however I felt like I was failing miserably. It was not easy confronting him in front of all of his friends, but it needed to be done.

He gave a short laugh at took a sip from the red Solo cup in his hand and discarded the empty container on the floor like it was nothing more than a trash can. Although it seemed impolite and completely rude to me, I knew that the code of conduct was much different at these parties than merely going to visit a friend’s house.  No one here expected manners.

“Sweetheart, anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of them.”

My eyes darted back to the half sober people standing behind Cam, no of them making an attempt to move. I guess we know who their leader is.

“Please.” I said as politely as I could. It took much effort on my part to be so kind. He deserved my wrath more than anything right now, but before I do I’d like some answers.

“Shouldn’t you be with your new boyfriend?” Sage sneered.

All of my patience vanished once she spoke to me and my calm and cool façade was now pushed to the back of my mind as I shot a snotty reply back at her.

“Shouldn’t you get your own boyfriend? Just because no single guy wants you don’t mean everyone else’s boyfriends are up for grabs.”

My whole keeping the peace motto was now in the past and my tolerance for BS was at its limits. Why did I always have to be the nice one? For once I just wanted to be as mean to her as she was to me. A taste of her own medicine, if you will.

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