Chapter 8- Honesty is the Best Policy

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Chapter 8- Honesty is the Best Policy


The hours before lunch seemed to press on and I was more nervous now than I was before. These new feelings were foreign to me I wasn’t sure what exactly that meant for me, but I was eager to find out. I guess that’s what I was hoping to get from this lunch date. Maybe that will help me figure out my feelings.

Back before Aiden left, I don’t deny that I had felt something for him, but that was then. Now that we have somewhat matured it only made the way I feel scare me even more. It felt like now it was…I don’t know, more real than before, maybe. It was something I hadn’t decided I was happy about or worried about. Only time would tell.

“Bay, you coming?” Charity asked tapping my shoulder.

Somehow my mind had wondered off again and I found myself embarrassed that I hadn’t heard the bell ring for next period. I mean lunch.

Wait. Was it that time already? It couldn’t be. Where had the time gone? I was sure the clock said 11:45 only a few minutes ago. Surely an hour had not passed by.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, getting up from my seat with books in hand.

“You seem out of it today. Is everything alright?” The concern on her face was palpable.

I really should stop zoning out. It seems to be raising suspicion. A few more incidents like this and I’ll be found out for sure.

“Perfectly, just a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

Which wasn’t a lie; I did have a lot going on inside my head this morning.

“Ugh. I know what you mean.” She agreed. “If anyone knows what that’s like, it’s me.”

Her voice made it dreadfully obvious that she had some things going on with her as well. I knew right then, without asking, she’d tell me what they were. That’s the way it always was with her, self enlightening.  

As the other students scurried out of the room she began the account of her morning.

“Can you believe that Jones didn’t even talk to me this morning? He looked right at me and kept on walking. It was like I didn’t even exist. I mean how could he do that to me? We spent the last the best hours of our lives together last night.”

Hearing about her nightly escapades sent a light blush to my cheeks. I could never be so open about my experience as her. It just didn’t feel comfortable to me. I guess I’m just a more private person.

“He didn’t even send me a good morning text either. I should have known something was wrong then.” She scoffed. “I saw him talking to Lara James just before he decided to ignore me. This is just outrageous. I think I’ll talk to her at lunch. She has our lunch right?” 

“I’m not sure.” I shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve actually ever talked to her before.”

“I should hope not. She doesn’t exactly have anything in common with us. I just know she’s one of the good girls. Never gets in trouble, never a bad grade. Little miss innocent. She’s probably a virgin too. There is no doubt why any guy in school would be interested in her.”

I could detect the jealousy in Charity’s voice as she spoke about her. This would no doubt end terribly for Lara. Charity wasn’t used to being pushed aside for someone else, especially when she has held Jones’s attention for nearly a year now. It wasn’t like she was dating him or anything, but I guess you could say they had an understanding.

“You want to help me find her?” She asked. “Two people would seem much more intimidating than one.”

And thank the heavens I actually had plans today. I wasn’t interested in being part or her revenge scheme. I was never one for bullying. This was exactly what Charity would do, in her own way, if she didn’t get what she wanted.

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