Chapter 25- Healing

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Chapter 25- Healing


-Aiden’s POV-

My body ached in anticipation of Bailey waking up. I had sat by her bed for hours on end refusing to leave her side until she opened her eyes. The ICU staff new her situation and that no one had been able to talk to her except for the few seconds she opened her eyes while he Mom and Dad visited her.

The doctor said she may not remember their visit due to being heavily sedated by drug and it was very unlikely she’d remember the wreak either. We were instructed to take caution when mentioning it to her so that she doesn’t panic. If she does they’ll have to sedate her again until she’s able to handle the news better.

It killed me seeing her like this, lying helpless in a hospital bed unable to do anything for her. Every moment that she wasn’t awake a little part of me died inside. It knew I wouldn’t be whole again until she was conscious.

The machines beeped letting the doctors know about Bailey’s stability, but I didn’t understand most of it. Only they could tell us what was going on and if they didn’t seemed concerned with anything I didn’t either. So far everything seemed to be going smoothly.


I quickly turned from the open window in the room to glance in Bay’s direction. That was the first sounds I’d heard from her since being here. I was elated. I wasted no time rushing to her side and gently grasping her arm.

The nurse outside her room on the computer hadn’t seemed to notice anything yet and I was relieved. When Bailey woke up I wanted just a few seconds alone with her.

“Bay,” I said softly. “Can you hear me?”

“Mmm…” She moved slightly but didn’t open her eyes.

“Bay, it’s me. Come on. Talk to me.”

Her lips barely moved through the soft jumbled murmurs came from her. She was waking up. She was trying to respond.

Bailey’s POV

My body felt heavy and numb. It felt like I could barely move. I think my hand twitched, but I couldn’t be sure. There was a fog in my head that made my whole situation seem like a dream.

Murmurs of a voice floated through my head and I tried hard to listen to it. The words seemed muffled though and I couldn’t make any since of them. After a few more seconds of listening, I finally realized who the voice belonged to. Aiden. It was him. He was here with me, wherever here was.

“Aiden,” I tried to say but the words didn’t seem right coming out of my mouth. They were weak and unformed. I needed to tell him I was here and okay. He had to know.

Darkness evaded my mind like a thick cloud of smoke. I tried to fight it with every fiber of my being though failing miserably. Just as quickly as I conscious I was gone again and the cloud consumed me.

I don’t know how much time had passed but I was starting to come back again. Unlike last time, this time I had better control of my senses. I could feel and touch again. Though my eye lids still felt heavy I could hear again. Everything was clear and loud.

There were no noises of anyone talking in the room. Was I alone this time?

“Aiden?” I called out. My voice felt very weak and horse. My throat burned. To my ears I was only speaking in a mere whisper.

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