Chapter 11- Two Can Play at That Game (Cam's POV)

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Chapter 11- Two Can Play at That Game (Cam's POV)


             I was a jerk and I knew it. Not speaking to Bailey when I dropped her off my have not been the best way to convey my anger, but I knew talking to her wouldn’t help matter either. When two people are angry with each other it’s usually best to just give them so space to work it out and that’s what I was doing. Or so I thought. There may have been some spite behind my motives as well. I’d never openly admit it though.

Once I got home from school, I didn’t waist anytime getting ready to head out again. Sage had put me in charge of the alcohol for the party since she didn’t know who else would be able to get it for her so me and My brother Nate was going to pick it up- he was in college. And partly because I’m pretty sure she still felt something for me even after or break up. I didn’t reciprocate her feelings though…because I loved Bailey. I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell her. After today’s events I don’t know how much that it set up back though. Confessing how I felt was now the furthest thing from my mind.

Nate was waiting for me in the car by the time I was out the door. His excessive honking to hurry me along only annoyed me further than I already was, but I didn’t express it, afraid that he’d back out of getting our alcohol.  

It was now six o’clock and he needed to visit the smoke shop down from the liquor store to pick up some things his self, so he was in a hurry. He only agreed to get what I wanted if I got him the things he wanted from the shop. Recently my parents had cut him off financially when they found out what he was doing with the money they were giving him for college supplies and bills. He’d spent the remainder of his checking account funds a couple of weeks ago to furnish him and his friends with enough pot and alcohol to last for a couple of weeks, but with the party they threw the following weekend  it  had disappeared pretty quickly. This was nothing out of the ordinary with him though. But it has gotten worse only very recently.

I was getting more worried about him then I used to be. He was my brother and I loved him, and it worried me he would drink himself to death one day. I liked a good time just as much as the next person, but there was such a thing as taking it too far. And he did.

“Got the money?”

I pulled on my seat belt and reached into my pocket and handed him the bills wadded up in my hand.

“That’s for the Alcohol too.” I stated staring out at the road ahead.

“Got the list?”

I nodded and gave him the paper inside my other pocket before flipping through the radio channels for something to distract me from thoughts.

At seven O’ clock Nate dropped me off at Sage’s house beside ours and she rushed out to help me carry everything in. She had everything set up inside the house and ready for the guests to arrive. By eight most of the people who were going to show up were there.

I’d started drinking nearly as soon as I got there in attempts eager to get the party started forget about my fight with Bailey. I thought that with some time I’d have some time to cool down, but it only gave me more time to think about everything that happened and it served to only fuel my irritation.

“You started early.” Sage smiled looking from the drink in my hands to me. “How many does that make tonight?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know…four maybe five.”

“Slow down or you’ll be passed out before things get good around here.”

“It doesn’t affect me as easily as it does you.” I grinned and nudged her arm playfully. “I’m not a light weight.”

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