Chapter 22- Making Alliances

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“I want you to come back home with me. I want you to come live with Julie, your brother and me,” Dad said.



Chapter 22- Making Alliances  

I stared at him in regret and shook my head. I couldn’t go with him even though I wanted to spend more time with him, because I couldn’t just leave everything I knew behind.

“I can’t, Dad. I’m sorry.”

He sighed and nodded. “I was afraid you might say that.”

“It’s just…everyone I know is here. There’s Aiden and Mom. And now that’s she’s expecting I can’t just leave her. She’d be crushed.”

Even though what she did was wrong and I was angry at her, I couldn’t just up and leave her. Through everything she was still my mom and that would never change. 

“I understand. But I’d still like to see you,” he said. “Maybe we could work something out?”

I smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

He returned my smile and stood up from the bench we had overtaken for our talk. His arm wrapped around my shoulders when I stood to stand next to him.

“We should get you back. You’re Mom’s probably worried,” he said. “I’m leaving town tomorrow so I be back at work tomorrow morning, but I was hoping you’d come stay with us next weekend. Julie and Max would really like that.”

“I guess that would be alright. But do you think I could take Max to hang out today since it’s your last day here? I’d kind of like to get to know my brother a little better,” I admitted.

“I think that’s a great idea. I’m sure he’d like that too. He’s been asking a lot of questions about you. Come on, I’ll see you back.”

The walk back was a little better than the way to the park since the rain had let up and the sun was starting to peek out over the clouds. With a little luck it might warm up a little making it a better day.

When we arrived back at the hotel Max and Julie were waiting for us. Dad had texted Max on the walk back about spending the day with me and he was more than happy to do it. It could be like our brother, sister bonding day. I never had a sibling, so I was just guessing that people really had those, at least willingly.

I promised dad I’d have Max back before dark before we left together. I wasn’t sure where I was taking him yet, but where we decided to go I’m sure it would be interesting. After all, I was with my long lost brother.

“So, what would you like to do today?” I asked him over the music playing through my speakers.

He shrugged. “What’s fun in this town?”

“Well, I like ice cream and there’s a Cold Stone here. And there’s always the mall. If that doesn’t interest you then we could go to the carnival. It opened after three. Or if you don’t want to wait that long we could go to the theater or bowling alley.”

“I’ve never been bowling,” he admitted.

I widened my eyes in surprise. “Really? I can’t believe Dad hasn’t taken you yet. He was the one who showed me how to bowl. He took me when I was seven.”

His face dropped a little at that. “He’s been busy with work lately.”

I nodded in understanding, but I still felt bad for him. I guess even though he had my dad he didn’t really have him. There wasn’t much of a difference between us, but at least he got to see him a little. I didn’t even get that.  

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