Chapter 9- If You're Happy, I'm Happy

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Chapter 9- If You're Happy, I'm Happy

The next morning I woke with a start. My heart beat rapidly in my chest while I did my best to catch my breath. I was still tired from last night’s restless sleep and the nightmare I had just before waking up. Well not so much as a nightmare as it was a reoccurring memory from my past.  However, nightmare seemed more fitting to me than a dream.

It was about my dad. They always were. I had this dream at least three times a year since he left. It was the same one every time.

I would stand at the top of the stairs listening to my parents argue about something rather heatedly then after a little while my dad would storm out the door and I’d hear the roaring of the old Ford pick-up truck he used to own before it disappeared down the road. I’d be watching from my window every time and then I’d start crying. It all felt so real; as real as it did that day.  

The dream brought back painful memories. Ones I’d elected to forget. Too bad I couldn’t control my dreams as well. 

He called me next day, after he left, to tell me he loved me and chose to leave due to my mother’s wishes. He promised he’d be back to see me next week and he’d take me to the park I always liked to go to and we’d talk about things. But he never showed. That was the last day I ever talked to my dad. That day always stuck out in my mind.

I was so lucky to have Aiden then. He helped me through it all. He was at my house every day until I started to come around again. He was truly the best friend I’ve ever had.

My alarm clock sent out its usual loud beep like it did every morning at 7 o’clock, which broke me from my train of thought. However unlike most times, this morning it was welcomed. I didn’t care to think about that part of my past anymore than I had to.

I pushed my feet along the dark blue shag carpet after I forced myself out of the bed, and made my way to the bathroom just outside my door. The cold tile of the floor greeted my bare feet as I stepped upon it ultimately waking my mind completely. Sleep was no longer fogging my brain.

The mirror wasn’t my friend this morning. It didn’t show my best side. My hair was a sloppy mess and my clothes untidy. I even had slight stain on my shirt from my spilt hot chocolate last night. I looked like hell. Hopefully it was nothing that a hot shower couldn’t fix though.

On my way to school Aiden and I talked like nothing was wrong. I guess he was over giving me my space now and was back to his friendly, talkative self. I enjoyed the company. I’d missed it.

The school was scarcely filled with students with students when we arrived which was nothing out of the ordinary seeing as we were at least ten minutes early this morning. Aiden easily found a spot close to school which cut our walk practically in half and that I was thankful for. I guess you could say I was a bit lazy. Of course it was worse today though, with my lack of sleep. The engine was soon killed once we were parked.

“What’s on your mind?” The concern voice of my friend asked.

“Everything,” I sighed. I decided to be vague.

“That is a lot. No wonder you look so tired.” He noted with a trace of humor in his voice. “It must have kept you up all night.”

“You have no idea,” I let slip without thinking.

Aiden stiffened next to me at my response. I could tell he was starting to read between the lines. Concern took over his features as he stared back at me. I did my best not to look at him though, afraid he might figure out what was haunting me.

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