Warmth Atlas/ reader

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Rapture. Dark, demented, and cold. All you ever felt now was the cold. It was a tough time surviving in Rapture, but now you also had to deal with the freezing temperatures. You had a few other survivors with you until they were either killed by splicer or, turned into them. Either way, you were all alone now. You had been alone for months maybe even years now. It was hard keeping track of what day, year, or month it was. That however was the least of your problems. You had to deal with surviving and leaving Rapture. And you only knew one way of getting out and that was helping Atlas. Now you've met the man a couple times before. Giving him little things like ammo, food, etc. He never gave you the big picture though. You didn't mind. You didn't exactly have anything better to do. Although, you can't really say you didn't mind seeing Atlas when you gave him supplies. Maybe it was his accent or his dark hair and blues. Whatever it was you were quit fond of him. Very fond. You wouldn't ever admit it to yourself or anyone but, you may or may not have a crush on the Irish man.


"Now all I have to do is deliver this package to Atlas and I can rest." It had been a very hard day. Or days more like. Although peaceful rest was difficult to find in Rapture [Name] had a feeling she's sleep well after all she's been through. It was never easy doing tasks big or small. Rapture was a city of kill or be killed. Of course [Name] always drew first so she wouldn't have the chance to be killed. That's always how it was in Rapture. [Name] was used to it by now, but that doesn't make it any easier. [Name's] radio buzzed in. "Aye, [Name] do you have what I asked you to get," a strong Irish accent came through the radio. [Name] sighed, "yeah Atty I got it right here I should be to the meeting point soon." Atlas always gave a meeting point instead of his main office. She wasn't sure if it was because he didn't trust her or if he just didn't have one. She never bothered looking for it though. She really didn't care. [Name] looked at the box in her hand. She was tempted to open but she heard Atlas's instructions in her head clearly. 'Now, I want you to find me a box. Not an ordinary box. You'll find it near Sanders. Don't open it though what's in it is very secret and if you were to open it I'd have to kill you.' [Name] rolled her eyes, "I doubt he'd kill me. I mean honestly I don't think he's capable of doing so all he ever does is order people around. Doubt he had any skill at the art of killing"


It was about thirty minutes after [Name] found the box did she arrive at the meeting place. She sat down on a nearby chair looking out the glass windows the surrounded her. Every now and then she's she a shark swim by or a manatee. Even in the cruel world she lived in there was definitely beauty in it. She shivered once again feeling the cold chills of Rapture. Out of the shadows she heard footsteps and a heavy Irish accent say, "do you have the package love?" [Name] stood up signing and handing over the package. "Thank you," Atlas said as he tucked the package away into his back pocket. Atlas reached his hand out to shake her hand. She accepted. "This means a lot that you got this for me [Name] I hope you know that." He smiled as he pulled her close with his other hand. [Name] then realized why she liked Atlas so much. He was always so warm even against the Rapture chill. She wrapped her arms around him embracing him and his warmth. She then whispered, "no problem Atlas anytime." A smiled appeared on her face as she cuddled into his warm chest.

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