My Fault? Robert Lutece/ Reader

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If you want to get technical it wasn't your fault.

In any other relationship encouraging your boyfriend to follow his dream is practically a given. However, you and Robert weren't different people, in a different relationship.

As he would put it, "We are not simple people, [Y/N]. We are clever; and yes, simple people do not have our issues. . . and dear [Y/N] I would hate for you to turn simple."

In all honesty it was the worst pep talk you could possibly imagine. What was his deal anyways? Of course you were concerned with leaving your universe. Who wouldn't be!

But every time the topic came up it was always the same thing, "We are not simple people [Y/N]!"

So you kept your mouth shut for months. Hoping he would see that his endevour was not only dangerous, but idiotic (in the most brilliant way of course).

Once the time arrived to take the jump between worlds you were apprehensive.

You could live your life with Robert and girl Robert (you were to angry at the time to remeber her name, she too thought you were simple).

Going with him meant you were stuck. Stuck with being "clever" and never voicing your own opinions on his technology.

But staying here . . .

You would be alone . . . no more small talk beside the fire, no more talks or cuddles, no more Robert.

You had taken a risk with him, and now you weren't sure if it had been worth it.

However, you still had one big choice to make.

Leave, or stay?

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