I'm sorry love Atlas/ Reader

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"Atlas you are a confusing man I just don't understand what you want from me sometimes," you shouted through the radio Atlas lent you while you went out to search Rapture.

You knew Atlas loved you, but sometimes it was hard to believe it by the way he treated you. Sometimes he would be so demanding it took all of your will power not to punch him.

He would never harm you, but sometimes he annoyed you to no end.

You knew living in Rapture was stressful by itself, and you understood that running a rebellion just added to the stress. You didn't understand why Atlas had to take out all his anger on you. You had been by his side throughout, well, everything. And not once had you wronged him. Of course, the two of you argued like all couples, but none of them made either of you want to end your relationship.

Today Atlas had asked you to go out and get supplies. You figured he wanted the normal things. Ammunition, guns, food, water, and eve. On this day however, he said he wanted something, 'different.'
You weren't sure what the Irish man wanted, but when asking him he just told you to get the normal things.

"Love just get what we usually get, and forget I said anything," Atlas said through the radio his voice starting to raise.

"It's alright Atlas you can tell me what you need I'll get it for you," you replied to the hot-headed man on the other end of the radio.

The radio went silent and you groaned not sure what was wrong with him today. "Listen Atlas," you yelled at the radio," I don't know what's come over you lately. I understand all the stress of taking back Rapture. I just don't understand what I did to make you do upset. I'd like to help you, truly I would, but when you want something you have to tell me what you want I can't play these guessing games with you all the time. So stop acting like a baby and tell me what you want!" You ended your rant expecting an answer, but all you got was silence.

You put the radio down, and headed back to the base. You were in a fit of rage. You offered to get him what he wanted no matter how fed up you were with him. And what did he do? He ignored you.

When you reached the base you through open the down expecting to see you friends and people part of the rebellion.

However, you were met with silence, and blood. Your eyes widened. That's when you heard mumbling.

'OH MY GOD,' you thought, 'there must've been a Splicer attack when I was gone.'

You picked up your shotgun, and slowly walked down the stairs.

Sure enough there was a Splicer. You snuck up behind one slowly making sure not to step on anything that would make to much noise.

'Just a few more steps,' you thought.

Out of nowhere, there was a gunshot making the Splicer turn around on you.

It lunged at you making you drop your shotgun and scream in the process.

It kept hitting you with its deformed fists. Your nose started to bleed. You felt defeated. You felt as if all energy had left your body.

You put your hands around the Splicer's neck in an attempt to save yourself.

Slowly, you saw the life drain from the Splicer's eyes. You had successfully suffocated the bastard.

You got up regaining your breath. 'I need to find Atlas,' you thought.

You walked further into the base looking over corpses of your comrades, and corpses of Splicers. You reached Atlas's office. The door was cracked open. You peaked inside slowly making sure no Splicer's were around.

After inspecting the area from afar you decided to enter. Nothing seemed off except for everything on Atlas's desk was on the floor. It looked more like a fit of rage then from a Splicer's doing.

You looked around the room cautiously. You found a pile in the corner of the room. You ran over to it, and found your Irish man. He had bruises and a bit of blood on his face, but nothing to bad.

You held his head in your hands. As he recognized who you were.

"[Name], I'm sorry for being so rude and angry towards you. I'm sorry love." Atlas whispered as he leaned into your touch.

You gave a light chuckle. "Atlas," you said, "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

You pecked his lips lightly seeing him smile.

"I just have one question Atlas," you asked. "What is it love," he answered lightly stroking your cheek. "What was it you wanted me to get you."

He chuckled at the question, but instead of answering he pulled out a heart shaped box. He gave it to you and smiled kissing your forehead.

"I know it's terrible, but I needed you out long enough so I could find one of these for you," he laughed. "Happy Valentine's Day love."

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