Heartbeat Jack Ryan/ Reader

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Lot 192.

The only damn thing that could save you, and Jack.

Even though there was a cure for the severe mind control you were worried.

You had been lied to many times in Rapture, and you wouldn't be surprised if it was all another set up.

It took a while but once you made it to Mercury Suites you were less worried.

You found it on the counter near beakers, and a diary.

You grabbed it, and handed it to Jack.

"Jack," you stated, "there's only enough for one person. I want you to have it all those little kids are depending on you."

Jack scoffed, and shook his head.

You knew he wouldn't be okay with this, but you knew what had to happen.

"Jack please," you said in a hushed tone.

He furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry [Name], but I can't do that. You are far to important to me. I'm not letting you take that risk."

"Jack you. Have. To."

He shook his head again, and shoved the liquid towards you.

You looked him in the eyes.

There was a pause.

Then Jack fell to his knees as Fontaine was destroying him from within.

It was always worse for him. You believed this was because he was Andrew Ryan's son.

You helped him up, kissed him softly, and sternly said, "take it."

He nodded not liking the idea, but going with it anyways.


You liked Jack being a Big Daddy.

You had to admit it was kinda cute.

However, all that was forgotten when you stepped in the elevator to meet Fontaine himself.

You were afraid, and dying.

Fontaine had been a lot tougher on you since you let Jack be free of mind control.

You didn't show the pain to Jack though. He already felt terrible for taking it in the first place.

You knew that if you killed Fontaine that you would be free, so you were ready. You knew Jack was too. He looked determined, and most of all rage filled.

Fontaine had deceived him, hurt him, and hurt his lover for far to long.

You held his hand as the elevator was getting closer to its destination. You could see his features soften slightly at your touch.

You let go of his hand as you saw Fontaine in the middle of the room.

Jack looked in your direction, nodded, and ran towards Fontaine stabbing him in the chest.

Fontaine screamed, and came running towards you.

Fear took over you as he grabbed you by the throat and whispered into your ear.

"Make your heart stop Would You Kindly."

Your eyes widened as life left your body.

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