This Strange Feeling Delta/ Reader

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'I hate him,' you thought to yourself as you followed Delta through the various corridors of Rapture.

Truth be told you didn't hate him. Quite the opposite actually you found yourself being drawn near him, and enjoying his presence.

You would even say you had a bit of a crush.

So much of a crush you made yourself a little uncomfortable. I mean a human and a big daddy? Who would imagine!

The idea was a bit bizarre, but hell. You couldn't control who you liked!

You would if you could.

But every time he did something your heart would skip a beat.

He was just so...dadly.

You cringe at your choice of words. It was endearing to you how he cared for Eleanor, and even more endearing when he cared for you.

Although he didn't speak. Like at all. It was his actions that made your heart swell.

Defeating splicers before they would harm you, buying you cream cakes from the machines in order to make sure you had something to eat, and even using himself as a body shield in order to prevent bullets from grazing your own body.

Oh, he was sweet alright.

That big guy had managed to worm his way into your heart just by being a big lovable lug.

You craned your neck to look up to the masked man.

'He really is a big guy no doubt about it,' you thought to yourself once again.

It was hard to keep your feelings at bay so saying you hated him was easier than dealing with your odd attraction to him.

Sometimes you almost slipped up and slipped your hand into his, but you managed to get by without confronting your emotions head on.

Truth be told, it was exhausting.

It was when he had near death experiences that your feelings usually got the best of you.

And there were A LOT of near death experiences.

Your surprised he didn't know your feelings toward him.

Well, if he did he wouldn't say anything.

You frowned at the thought. Falling behind Delta slightly being too lost in thought to really notice that the distance between the two of you was growing.

He turned to look at you noticing the sudden distance.

He made a noise that brought you out of your thoughts. A sound of confusion, and maybe concern?

Maybe you were imaging that last bit, but you knew for certain that Delta did care about you.

Weariness started to wash over you as he took a few steps in your direction tilting his head, the best he could, as if to ask, 'are you okay?'

All these emotions of adoration washed over you and your resolve started to disappear as your weariness increased.
You didn't want to pretend anymore you REALLY liked him.

You walked up to him taking long strides before appearing in front of him.

"Listen Delta I've got something to say," you said letting a sigh out as you thought of exactly what you wanted to say.

It was a couple of minutes, and you were still at a loss for words. Mouth agape as if something could come out at any second.

Nothing did.

The ground shook beneath you briefly. You realized Delta had sat down and was patting the ground next to him inviting you to sit with him.

A light blush dusted your cheeks.

He was being way too cute.

You laughed under your breath as you took the seat. Regaining your composure.

"Okay look," you started taking a brief pause before continuing. "I've being feeling certain...things for you.. and honestly I really REALLY like you? AND IT'S BECOMING A LITTLE BIT FRUSTRATING BECAUSE YOU DO THESE LITTLE THINGS RIGHT? AND WHEN YOU DO THEM IT'S SUPER CUTE AND MAKING ME KINDA MAD CAUSE NO ONE GAVE YOU THE RIG-"

Delta picked you up and placed you in his lap a deep chuckle reverberating through his suit.

Your blush only deepened by his actions, and his deep chuckle. You buried your head in your hands, sighing.

"Sorry I just- had to get that out of my system. But now that you know what are you thinking?" You asked him anxiously awaiting his response.

He put his forehead, or where his forehead would be on yours. Taking your hand and putting it over his heart.

Your face went red.

"S-so you like me back?" Your voice trembling ask you uttered the phrase.

He let out a noise that sounding like an 'uh-huh' while nodding to the best of his ability.

Your eyes went wide as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

He let out another deep chuckle as he wrapped his arms around your back.

"I really care about you Delta try not to die cause I'd be really upset if you left me here." You whispered holding him tighter.

He nodded again happy to have you in his arms.

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