Please Tell Atlas/Reader/Elizabeth

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A man you thought you were close to.


A girl who you cared deeply about.

It occurred to you that both of these people were at each others throats.

You had met Atlas when he was sunk to the bottom of the sea. In your eyes he saved you from the Splicers and gave you a place to stay, and call your temporary home.

However, he didn't tell you everything about him, you knew he wouldn't, but everyone had their secrets.

Some were best not told.

Some you wish were told. In this case your life depended on it.

It was Elizabeth who held your fate.

Elizabeth you had met when you went scouting with Atlas.

She was a mess.

Knocked unconscious, and completely confused.

You took pity on her, and decided to help her, and show her around Rapture.

Elizabeth was happy to not be completely alone.

Atlas, on the other hand, was upset that you would put yourself in such danger.

You knew it was hard to get around Rapture.

You wanted to help her, and help Atlas.

In your current situation, you were the one that needed help.

Atlas had you tied down with a pick right above your eye.

You knew he didn't want to do it. It wasn't even to the point that he had to do it.

He was having a temper tantrum, and not getting his way.

You looked towards Elizabeth, tears were rolling down her face. The two of you had grown close, and she certainly didn't want anything to happen to you.

You didn't want anything to happen to her either.

You gave her a half smile, but your eyes showed fear, and a loud plea.

You knew Atlas was being irrational, and going to the extremes.

The worst part about this situation was, Atlas didn't think it was extreme. He was an extremely dominate man, and when he didn't get his way someone would have hell to pay.

He continuously asked Elizabeth the same question.

"Where is the Ace in the Hole?"

She would say she didn't know, and you believed her, but Atlas did not. Every time she gave him the 'wrong answer' he would get closer to your eye.

This time you looked at Atlas.

He looked guilty, but determined.

You knew your only hope was Elizabeth.

It got to the point that the pick was resting on your eye.

Atlas pulled his arm back ready to pound the pick into your skull, when Elizabeth spoke.

She shouted the answer to him, and you relaxed. Only slightly.

Atlas still showed determination, but much more guilt and sorrow for what he almost did to you.

He untied you going in to comfort you, but you made a beeline for Elizabeth. Holding her close to your chest.

Atlas looked hurt, but not surprised.

He pulled you away from Elizabeth while they took her away from you.

You yelled at the men taking her away, but they would only ignore you.

You tried to get out of Atlas's grasp, but to no avail. Your body went limp as you gave up hope of seeing Elizabeth alive, and well.

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