I'm tough Augustus Sinclair/ Reader

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Being married to a savvy businessman had its perks. For one you were wealthy, and were also second in command and very well respected.

You didn't marry Sinclair for any of those reasons. That was the last thing on your mind.

You knew he was a great man and absolutely attractive with his dark hair and charming personality. How could you not marry him.

Along with marring him came responsibility and hard work. Which of course you were more then willing to be responsible, and work hard for the man you loved.

You look over your right shoulder and caught a glance at him hard at work. He was very focused with whatever he was doing. He had his hand in his hair while he bit down lightly on his lip. You smiled at your hard working husband.

"Hey Augustus," you shouted. He eyed for a minutes before looking back at his work and answering, "what is it dear?"

You chuckled, "perhaps we should go home it is getting late." He stopped working and looked at his watch. He nodded, "I reckon we could." He got from his chair and walked over to you and smiled back at you.

"Come on dearest lets get home and get some sleep." He said softly. You nodded and kissed him softly, "okay. You work really hard ya know. You can always give me some of your work. I don't want you getting sick from over working yourself like you've been doing."

He shook his head, "I don't want to do that to you, you work hard enough as it is."
You rolled your eyes and retorted back, "that doesn't mean I'm going to break with a little extra work."

He continued to shake his head, "[Name], I'll be okay."

"Augustus Sinclair I can handle it just add a little more to my pile of work is all I'm asking." You weren't going to back down from this argument. If it was your husband's health it was most certainly a concern of yours.

He sighed as if reading your thoughts. "Alright, but not to much I don't want you to break yourself, darling."

"I won't break Augustus," you said taking his hand in yours. "I'm tough remember."

He chuckled, "oh I remember [Name], I remember."

You kissed his cheek and laughed heading back to your house.

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