Dave ==> Chapter 2

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When your sister had invited you to a gay bar, you'd thought she was insane. Sure, you're pansexual, but you aren't really about that scene. However, she offered to buy you lunch, so you agreed, and damn are you glad you did.
Sitting before you is the most beautiful girl you think you've ever laid your eyes on. She's like a porcelain doll. Her long, silky black hair tumbles down her back and over her shoulders like waves. Her skin is as pale as snow and looks soft to the touch. No, you couldn't touch her. She looks as though she'd shatter with even the slightest bit of pressure. You'll have to keep your hands to yourself. And her face, by god it was sculpted by the big guy himself. You've never been a religious man, but she has to be an angel. She wears no makeup. She knows she doesn't need it because her beauty is unmatched. Her lips are full and perfectly kissable just as her eyes are bright and colored with the most gorgeous shade of red you've ever seen. Perhaps it was more of an auburn, now that you're looking closer. Her long, dark eyelashes make them really pop against her pale complexion. She's a vision of pureness and sheer, unadulterated beauty. Her name is Karkat Vantas.
You listen to her talk about herself. You know girls like to be asked that. Although you're aware you mostly asked so you can admire her beauty, you still listen to what she says. She tells you about how she's going to school to be a hairdresser and you in return tell her how you're going to school for paleontology. This seems to impress her. You talk a bit more about your current living situations, you with your brother and her with Kanaya, before you decide to make things a bit more interesting, "Alright, have you ever seen the show Baggage?" She shakes her head, so you continue, "It's a dating show where people give up their top three secrets and then decide if they can handle the other's baggage. Are you up for our own little game?" You ask, mischief in your voice.
She shifts and nods slowly, looking nervous, "Who's first?"
"Up to you," you smile and sit back.
"I guess I'll go first then..." Karkat murmurs, biting her lip. You wait patiently as she thinks. "Um... I suppose my first bit of baggage should be that my soon to have been fiancé just recently left me."
You wince, wondering why anyone would leave her, "How recently?"
"Six months? Maybe seven..."
"Why would he-"
"-Im getting to that, I promise. It's my next bit of baggage," you nod and fold your hands on the table, waiting patiently, "My second piece of baggage is... I'm uh... I'm transgender."
You blink at her in shock. Never in a million years would you have guessed that she was really a he. Surgery really does work wonders, doesn't it? "Damn. You sincerely had me fooled. Can I confess my first bit of baggage?" She hesitantly nods, "Ive been sitting here for the last ten minutes thinking to myself about how incredibly beautiful you are and how I've never met a girl with more natural beauty than you. Imagine my surprise to find that you were a guy at one point. It doesn't change my opinion of you. I still think you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen."
The overwhelming joy is evident in her expression, "You really mean that...?"
You smile the most genuine smile you've ever managed, "Absolutely."
Her smile falters a bit, "I guess that brings us to the worst of the three, hm?"
"You've killed before?" You chuckle.
"No...the reason my fiancé left is because I... I never told him that I was still physically male."
Your smile immediately drops, "...that's why he left? What a self centered prick!" You snap, your rage evident, though you're not sure why you're so upset, "How could anyone in their right mind leave someone for that reason? Especially someone like you! Let me tell you the honest to God truth: You don't need that guy. You're far to incredible to let someone like that hold you back. Okay?"
You can tell by the tears swimming in her eyes that you've already stolen her heart and you've only known her for fifteen minutes, "You don't know me. How do you know I'm not some awful, sadistic human being?"
You lean across the table and offer her a small smile, "Give me the chance to find out."
Karkat sniffles and smiles softly her thanks as you hand her a tissue, "So it's your turn now?" She asks as she dabs at her eyes.
You sigh softly and nod, "My first bit is that I'm... Kind of a player..."
She blows her nose and raises an eyebrow, "Why would you tell me that?"
You shrug, "I want you to trust me. The only way to do that is to be honest. I've never been with anyone longer than a month. I don't use them for sex. I'm not that shallow. I guess I just get bored and fed up with their drama and leave before shit gets too hot to handle, y'know?"
She slowly nods, "What's your second one?"
You take a deep breath, biting your lower lip softly, "My brother likes to use me as his own personal punching bag," her eyes widen in shock, so you're quick to continue, "It's not a big deal. I don't go home often anyways. I do DJ-ing as a part time job so I'm out at all sorts of odd hours. But yeah, he's kind of abusive so I don't think I'll ever be taking you over there."
"Dave we don't have to contin-"
"My third piece of baggage is this..." You slip off your shades, your bright ruby irises boring into hers, "My prized 'demon eyes'."
Karkat blinks in awe rather than fear. She moves a cautious hand up to caress your cheek, carefully running her thumb under your eye, "He hit you here, didn't he? Your eye is still bruised..."
You smile weakly and nod, placing your hand over hers, "It doesn't hurt me."
She purses her lips and looks up at you curiously, "Why did you tell me all of that? That's quite a bit for a first meeting."
"Was it too much?" You ask, almost nervously.
She shakes her head, "Actually...now I don't have to worry about telling you those things. It's probably better this way."
"Normally it would've taken months, if not years for me to show my eyes. And obviously I wouldn't have admitted to being a player."
She nibbles at her lower lip, her hand still in yours, "Why did you then?" You're not entirely sure why, as a matter of fact. Maybe it's because you feel comfortable with her. You feel like less of a freak because her eyes are so similar. You're theory is that it's because you're beginning to fall in love with her for more reasons than you can count. You tell her everything but that last part, which makes her smile, "I understand the feeling. Frankly, I think you look much better without them, though I understand your eyes' sensitivity to the sun. Tomorrow's supposed to be pretty cloudy though. Maybe you'd like to go with me to the park or something. Without your shades, of course," You smile and nod as she grabs a pen from her purse and jots her number down on a napkin, "You can read that, can't you?" You nod and recite the number to her as she stands, grabbing her things, "Give me a call tomorrow or something and let me know when your free," She smiles as she puts on her coat.
"Yeah, believe me, I will. It was nice meeting you, Karkat," you return her smile.
"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Strider," She offers you one last small smile and wave before she turns and sashays over to Kanaya. You watch as the two of them leave together, feeling happier than you have in a long time. You walk Rose home, before making your way back to your own apartment. You keep your shades tucked in your shirt the entire time.

~Author's Note~
Sorry I haven't updated anything! I was on a bit of a hiatus there but I should be back. Just relationship drama and dealing with one of the worst human beings I've ever met. All water under the bridge now. I'm here to write for you all. I've also been doing a lot of drawing. As a matter of fact, if you're waiting for the fan adventure to go up, I've been working on something in the meantime because I still don't know what I'm doing for it. So yeah. If you have any that you'd like to recommend, that'd be cool too. I have the list of options the last chapter of Stri-Do's and Don'ts. That's really all there is for now. Goodbye loves!


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