Dave ==> Chapter 8

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The next morning, you wake up to sunlight filtering through the blinds of Karkat's windows. It slowly begins to dawn on you that you are in Karkat's bedroom. In Karkat's bed. Next to Karkat. Your eyes snap open and you throw back the covers, sighing in relief upon realizing you are both fully clothed. Karkat, on the other hand, groans from the cold, grabbing for the blankets. You quickly whisper an apology as you tuck her back in, quietly standing and sneaking to the kitchen.
Padding over to the fridge, you open the door and pull out some eggs, butter, and milk. You turn on the stove and grab a pan, setting out to make omelets and toast. About five minutes into your cooking, you hear an amused voice from behind you say, "My, Mr. Strider. I wasn't aware you were already so comfortable in our humble abode to dig through our fridge and prepare yourself a meal."
You jump, accidentally burning your hand on the pan in the process. With a yelp, you glance back to see Kanaya covering her mouth to hide a smile. "Oh har har. Karkat's sure to have a bit of a hangover so I figured I'd make breakfast. Do you want some? Or should I torture you for scaring me half to death?"
She pulls out a chair from the table and sits, crossing her legs. "Well since I am the one who bought the food, I would say it's only fair I get some."
You shake your head at her as you flip the omelet. "You're lucky you're dating my sister. You're a true piece of work, Maryam."
Kanaya places a hand over her heart. "Why thank you." She shakes her head. "In all seriousness, though. You took care of her, didn't you? You didn't take advantage of her?"
You frown and set the heat on low, turning to face her. "Of course I took care of her. I was pretty drunk too, but I wouldn't pull a move on her that quick."
"Dave, you are aware that she is still physically male, correct?"
You nod slowly, the question taking you by surprise. "Why would you ask me something like that?"
The other sighs, sitting back in her seat and pinching the bridge of her nose. "I don't want you to hurt her like her ex."
You scowl and put the three omelets on separate plates, grabbing the toast from the toaster and arranging it on the plates as well. "I don't even know the guy and I hate him." You grab the plates and set them on the table, Kanaya nodding her thanks as she picks up a fork and takes a bite.
Her eyes widen. "This is phenomenal. Where did you learn to cook?"
You sit across from her and shrug, cutting up Karkat's food. "FCS. I did it ironically. I also learned to sew."
Kanaya rolls her eyes teasingly, "Well, thank-" She's cut off by the sound of footsteps rushing to the bathroom followed by vomiting. The two of you stand and quickly make your way to the bathroom where you find Karkat sitting on the toilet, holding a wastebasket. "Karkat! Darling, are you okay?!"
"Just peachy..." She groans before throwing up again.
Kanaya rubs her back until she's done before walking back to the door, "I will go call your instructor and your boss and tell them you won't be in today."
Karkat doesn't respond, trembling as Kanaya leaves. You frown and kneel beside her, taking Kanaya's spot and rubbing Karkat's back. "Hey, I'm sorry about all of this..."
She shakes her head slowly, "I shouldn't have drank so much... I know my limits by now... I'm just embarrassed that you have to see me this way..."
You plant a gentle kiss on her shoulder, shushing her. "It's now my job to take care of you. Don't be embarrassed, okay? Everyone gets sick sometimes. I'll go for a minute so you can situate yourself and then I'll be back to take you to your room." She nods again as you take your leave, waiting outside the door until you were instructed to return. When you were finally given the 'okay', you scooped her up in your arms and carried her back to bed, leaving the room and returning with a new trash bin and her eggs. You set the bin on the floor and the food on her night stand. "I'd recommend nibbling on the toast for now until you can keep it down. If you want, I'd be more than happy to go out and get you some ginger ale."
Karkat frowns, cuddling under the blankets. "You don't have to do that..."
You shake your head. "I insist. Will you be okay for about ten minutes?" She nods and you walk over to gently kiss her forehead. "Good. Do you need anything else before I go?"
Her face turns a light pink as she glances away. "Some Tylenol and a glass of water would be appreciated..."
With a small smile, you nod and leave the room once more, bringing her back the water and pills. "Where's your key? I'll lock the door behind me, but I'll need to get back in."
She pops the pills into her mouth, washing them down with the water. "They're in my purse. It's on the table in the kitchen."
You nod and take the empty glass from her. "Alright. I'll be back then."
You're about to walk away when she grabs your sleeve. "Wait..." You glance back at her and quirk an eyebrow before she sits up and pecks your lips. "Thank you again... Be careful, okay?"
You grin and nod, pecking her lips in return. "I will." She nods and releases your arm, allowing you to grab her keys from her purse and head out the door.
As promised, you were home within ten minutes with two bottles of ginger ale and a small stuffed crab to help Karkat feel better. Filling her empty glass with the carbonated beverage, you put the bottles in the refrigerator and take the glass and the crab to her room. You find her curled up in bed, looking pouty and miserable. She glances up at you as you walk in and offers you a weak smile. "What the hell is that?" She asks, pointing to the toy.
"I thought you could use some cheering up, so I got it for you."
She bites her lip to hide her smile. "You shouldn't be getting me anything."
With a shrug, you hand her the cup and sit on the edge of the bed, petting her hair as she takes a tentative sip. "It made you smile, so it was worth the $4.56 I spent on it."
She snorts, setting the cup on her nightstand by her plate. She'd only nibbled at the toast, but you didn't mind. It was clear she wasn't feeling well. "Can I just thank you for being such a gentleman?"
You feel a smile creep onto your lips. "Shouldn't all guys be like that?"
Karkat scoffs and lays back down. "Only in a girls wildest dreams. You're like a fantasy come true." She frowns and continues, "I'm just afraid to wake up."
You shake your head and tuck her bangs behind her ear, handing her the crab. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm not perfect. I have my flaws, but I was taught how to treat a lady."
Her frown deepens at that as she hugs the toy. "But I'm not really even a lady."
Tilting your head a little, you ask, "Do you want to be a lady?" She nods. "Do you feel like a lady?" She nods again. "Do you want to be treated like a lady?"
She groans. "Yes, yes, and yes."
You crack a smile. "Then, in my eyes, you are a lady. You don't have to physically be female if you're a woman at heart. No one can take that from you. Not even me, though I wouldn't dare try."
Her eyes light up. "Do you even realize how happy you make me?"
You nod a little, your smile softening. "I'm beginning to."
She shakes her head and returns your smile, making grabby hands at you. "Will you come lay with me?"
You lay by her side and kiss her forehead. "I'd love nothing more."

Being Karkat Vantas: A DaveKat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now