Karkat ==> Chapter 3

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You returned home at about 5:30 with Kanaya. She'd been gushing the whole way home about the girl she met. Apparently her name was as beautiful as her personality or some shit. Truth be told, you didn't actually listen. You'd been too busy checking your phone for texts. Sure it was dumb of you to think he'd have messaged you already, especially because you told him to call you tomorrow, but a girl can dream.
Once you finally make it inside, Kanaya kicks off her heels and runs to her room to call Rose, slamming her door behind her and leaving you alone in the living room. The place was nice. It wasn't anything fancy, at least not outside. Kanaya had managed to spruce the place up quite a bit on the inside. The walls in just about every room were painted a whitish silver color. The rugs were all white, so Kanaya strictly enforced the "No Eating Or Drinking Anything That Can Stain Outside The Kitchen" rule. You won't complain, though part of you wonders who the hell cares about a stain. You have one long couch and one love seat facing your TV, both colored grey. The TV itself is fairly big. You demanded a big screen for video game playing, so a big screen you got. Other than the circular glass coffee table in the center of the room, that was about it.
You decide that no good will come of you just sitting around waiting for him to call, so you recline on the couch and put on Remember Me. This is when your luck runs out and your Prince Charming decides to drop you a line.
You were right in the very first scene where Ally's mom dies when he calls. You blow your nose and wipe your eyes, picking up the phone. "Hello...?"
"Whoa, what's wrong? Are you crying? What happened?" He asks, sounding panicked.
"No, nothing. I promise I'm okay. I was watching a movie."
You can hear the sigh of relief from the other end of the line, "Jeez, don't do that to me. I thought I'd have to beat a fucker up. Oh, shit. It's Dave by the way. Dude from the bar. Y'know. That loser."
You giggle and lay back, pausing the movie and hugging a pillow to your chest, "I figured. Couldn't wait to talk to me?" Well good. Neither could you.
He chuckles, "Does that make me pathetic, crazy, or sweet?"
You smile to yourself, "All three."
The two of you sit and talk from six until midnight. Six. Goddamn. Hours. You talked about nothing and everything, but you were happy. You learned so much more about him. As a matter if fact, you two told each other every significant occurrence in your lives. You know, everything a best friend should know... or at least a good best friends. That gives you an idea. You ought to become his best friend for a while. That way, if you ever get into a relationship, it'd be much stronger. Any and all memories of John are gradually fading away, and nothing makes you happier.
"It's getting late, Kitten. You should probably get some sleep. I'll come get you tomorrow at 11." You can hear the tiredness in his voice, but you're still sad to let him go.
"Alright..." You pout.
He sighs, but there's playfulness in his voice, "Five more minutes."
Five minutes turns into an hour and you end up falling asleep listening to the deep, soothing purr of his voice.


"Karkles... Karkitten... Wake up..."
You stir, rubbing your eyes and yawning. You blink tiredly and come face to face with a fully dressed, shade-less Dave. He's wearing a red hoodie, light wash jeans, and ratty black converse. His hair is messy and tousled from sleep. God, does he look hot. You quick sit up and blush, frowning, "Fuck. What time is it?"
He blinks, looking surprised. "11:38. I didn't know you swore."
Kanaya scoffs, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen as she stirs her tea, "She's always has had a trucker mouth. I suppose she's been behaving like a little lady for you, hm?"
You growl and bolt to your room, "I'll be ready in a second!" Dave chuckles and sits on the couch, waiting. You quickly throw on a grey blouse that hangs off your shoulders, a black skirt, and a black pair of high tops. You grab your purse and return to the living room for Kanaya's approval. She nods and motions for you to go.
You turn to Dave and his eyes widen, a smile making its way to his lips, "You look beautiful." He holds a hand out to you and you hesitantly take it. He leads you to the door, grabbing a basket that he must've set beside the door when he walked in. You follow him downstairs and out the door all the way to the park. Though they're are rays of sun that poke out through the clouds, most of the town is shrouded by shade. As an extra precaution, Dave stops under a tree. He sets the basket down, opening it and pulling out a thin blanket, carefully spreading it out on the ground, "Go on. Sit."
You oblige and help him take the food out of the basket, quirking an eyebrow as you do so, "You made a picnic for us?"
Dave nods, "Why? Did I do something wrong?"
You smile and shake your head, "It's cute. Thank you. How did you know what I liked though?" You ask, holding up a sandwich with salami, provolone, and mayo.
He flushes lightly and shrugs, "I had Rose do a little detective work for me. Sorry."
You smile and roll your eyes, "Stop apologizing. You're doing everything right."
He sighs in relief and takes out his own sandwich, taking a bite, "Good. So you fell asleep on me last night, hm? Am I that boring?"
With a snort of amusement, you shake your head, "Your voice lulled me to sleep. I'm sorry."
"It's chill. So," He smiled, "Where were we?" The two of you spend the next hour resuming your conversation from the night before. Once the food was gone and everything was packed, you left the basket under the tree and went for a walk, stopping at the pond to feed the ducks the crusts from your sandwiches. The air around you was warm and crisp and the park was fairly quiet, only to be filled with the sound of your and Dave's chatter and laughter.
At one point, right before the two of you left, Dave grabbed the basket and led you back to the pond where several paddle boats sat, unattended. He climbed in and motioned for you to follow, so you obliged. You took his hand and carefully stepped in behind him, taking a seat and holding the basket as he untied the boat and took the oars. He carefully used the oar to push away from the dock and paddled out to the middle of the pond. By now, the sun was beginning to set behind the clouds which had mostly cleared away as the day progressed. Dave set down the oars and took the basket, pulling out a bottle of wine and two glasses. You couldn't help but giggle as he poured you both a glass, returning the bottle to the basket. You happily accepted as he held his glass up, "I propose a toast to us. May we never grow tired of each others company and always find happiness together as long as we both shall live."
Feeling a jolt of courage, you slip your hand into his, gently clink your glasses together, and lean forward, brushing your lips against his cheek, "Cheers," You mutter to him through a smile. You spend the rest of the night in each others' arms, watching the stars in perfect bliss.

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