Karkat ==> Chapter 4

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By the time the two of you had left the park, you were a little tipsy. Luckily for you, Dave is a true gentleman and walked you home, making sure you were safe with Kanaya before kissing your forehead and heading home himself. As soon as Kanaya shuts the door, she grabs your hands and drags you to the couch to relay the whole evening. You oblige giddily, and by the end of the night, you two were giggling and gossiping as if you were 13 again. "So he took you out on the pond? And he gave you wine? Either he really wants to impress you or he really wants in your panties," she giggles, laying back on the couch.
You smack her playfully, "He's a sweet guy. Mark my words, Kanaya. That man will be my husband one day."
She snorts and pulls up the calendar on her phone, "What date should I be saving?"
"Oh, knock it off!" You laugh, laying beside her.
Papping your cheek, she forces herself to stand and stretches with a yawn, "You ought to get some sleep. We have class tomorrow and then work. Well, I do at least. You work first, then class."
You groan in annoyance, "Can't I call off?"
Kanaya barks out a laugh, "Do you want to get evicted?" Without another word, you hold your arms out to her. She sniggers and grabs your hands, pulling you to your feet before taking you to your room, offering you a quick goodnight, and going to her own room.
You first brush your teeth before quickly tossing off your clothes, only leaving your underwear on as you crawl into bed under the covers. You're about to fall asleep when your phone buzzes on your nightstand. Tiredly grabbing for your phone, you squint as you read the message from your prince. "Hey. Ik it's late but I figured I should say good night. I had a lot of fun. We should do it again soon B)"
Grinning like an idiot, you quickly respond, "Meet me @ the diner tomorrow anytime before 3."
"Can do. C u then <3" Is his response. You bite your lip to hide your smile and set your alarm, curling up under the blankets and falling into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning, you wake up bright and early to get ready for work. You shower and throw on your 'uniform', putting your hair up in a bun. Grabbing your apron and purse, you slip your shoes on and head out the door, jogging to work as you do every morning.
When you get there, you say a quick hello Nepeta as you clock in. She smiles and waves as she tends to her table. As usual, you have the same section you always do. The diner is small and regulars tip well, which is a big part of why you keep the job. Vriska, a fellow waitress, smirks at you and points to one of your tables, "Hey, Karkat, you have a newbie. Cute guy, too. He's been here since we opened."
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, "He's here already?"
She grins, "Got a hot date at work?"
You roll your eyes and don't respond, walking over to the table and, sure enough, finding Dave. He'd been looking at the menu when you walked over, immediately looking up at you when you came over. His jaw dropped a little as he scanned you over, "When you told me to meet you, I didn't realize that was because you worked here."
You smile a little and take a seat beside him, "I figured. I have school after this, so I figured we could at least kind of have breakfast together?"
He glances around, almost nervously, "Should you really be sitting though? I mean... I don't want to get you in trouble."
You smile and lean closer to him, motioning to Nepeta as you whisper, "Do you see that girl?"
"Yeah?" He quirks an eyebrow, "What about her?"
"Back before I really started dressing like a girl, she was head over heels in love with me. She still probably is, honestly. But her sister and her sister's fiancé took over the place from her mom, so I get free passes on a lot of shit."
Dave sniggers and shakes his head, holding up the menu, "So what do you recommend?"
You bite your lip and point to the strawberry crepes, "This right here is my favorite breakfast item, at least on our menu. High recs."
He folds the menu and sets it with the others on the table, "I believe I'll try those."
"Bacon or sausage?"
"Both," he grins.
You stifle a laugh, "Coffee?"
"One cream, two sugars, please. One for my coffee and one for me," Dave practically beams for coming up with that one.
You flush and lean down, gently kissing his cheek, "That's as good as you're getting for right now, lover boy."
He smirks, "I can live with that." You ruffle his hair and make your way back to the kitchen to get Dave's coffee and to put in his order. Then, you give him his coffee and quickly take care of your remaining tables before sitting with Dave again. He smiles softly when you sit beside him, stirring his coffee, "Hello again, Kitten."
You blush and sigh, tucking your pen behind your ear, "Hello again."
He frowns, petting your hair, "You look exhausted."
You smile weakly at him, rubbing your eyes, "I'm always tired..."
Dave rubs your back and passes you his coffee which you happily accept, taking a sip and sighing in bliss, "I've never been much of a coffee person, you know."
He looks slightly surprised, "What college kid doesn't live on coffee? By the way, how old are you?"
"I don't. And I'm 21. I just turned 21 in June. You?"
"22. Going into my 5th year of college soon. I'm going for my M.S./PHd which will take about 6-8 years." He sighs softly, taking another sip of his drink.
Your eyes widen in shock, "Props to you for being so dedicated, then."
He smiles softly, "It'll be worth it though, right?"
You return his smile and nod in agreement, "I'll get your food." You stand and add, "You look nice without your shades, by the way." You don't give him a chance to respond. You're already in the kitchen, grabbing his food. You set the plate down and once again tend to your other tables before sitting again and resuming your idle chatting. The two of you talk for a bit before he finishes and pays, leaving you a twenty for a tip and kissing your cheek on his way out.
You grin to yourself as you bring food out to your regulars, an elderly couple. The woman smiles and looks towards the door, "Was that your boyfriend?"
You sigh, "I'm not sure."
"We spoke with him when we came in. Don't worry, sweetheart. He seems like a good boy. I don't think he'll be letting go any time soon. Us guys know which ladies are worth keeping," her husband smiles and slips his hand into his wife's. As you thank them and walk away from the table, you can't help but envy the two elderly folk you'd just spoken with. You're beginning to find yourself wanting what they have with Dave.

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