Karkat ==> Chapter 9

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Since yesterday, you've been feeling much better. You've felt so much better, in fact, that you were dubbed healthy enough to go back to school. Dave had left your house early this morning, leaving you a note that said he'd call you after you got home. Despite not getting a good morning kiss, you've had a decent start to your day. Today is the first day you are going to be cutting and styling an actual person's hair. Your class is currently sitting at their respective stations, preparing their areas and attempting to rid themselves of their nerves. Personally, you can hardly see a difference from cutting the hair of a wig to cutting the hair of a real person. The only difference is that real people complain more and don't tip as well.
Your teacher finally walks in with the group of volunteers, allowing them to choose their own stylist. You can hear someone sit in your chair as you're kneeling down to grab a cape from the cabinet to drape over their shoulders. "Oh, hello. I'm Kar-" you stand and turn around, stopping dead in your tracks when you see Dave sitting before you without his aviators.
You watch as he smirks, quirking an eyebrow at you. "Hello, Kar. Might I say, you are looking hella fine today?"
Flushing, you roll your eyes and lean back against the counter. "Oh, shut up. What the hell are you doing here, anyway?"
Dave rests a hand on his chest, looking appalled. "Language, missy. Don't make me tell your teacher about your little slip up."
"Tell me about what?" Your teacher, Mrs. Pexies, asks from her spot behind Dave.
Dave chuckles softly. "Tell you about what a lovely student you have here."
Mrs. Pexies raises a brow at you and you roll your eyes at Dave. "I'm sorry about him. This is my boyfriend, Dave." Both of them look up at you surprised, causing you to frown. "What?"
"Is this the boyfriend that was taking care of you yesterday?" Your teacher asks, looking Dave over.
"To my recollection, yes. I believe he's the only boyfriend I have currently."
She chuckles, but Dave's still giving you a dumbfounded look. "I think that's the first time you've ever actually called me your boyfriend."
You shrug. "I don't think you've ever called me your girlfriend yet."
"Good point." He looks up at Mrs. Pexies and says, "Please make sure my girlfriend isn't flirting with anyone in class for me."
She smiles in amusement and glances over at you. "I like him. You should keep him. Unfortunately, you're still on the clock. Get cutting there, 'Missy'," She teases with a smile as she walks away.
You sigh and walk over to him. "Do you even want your hair done?"
Dave nods. "Of course I do. I want it shaved down some the whole way around but i want to keep the top long. Did you learn how to dye yet?" You nod. "Cool. Then I want some red streaked throughout the top."
You chuckle and kiss his cheek, draping the cape over his shoulders as you grab the razor and turn it on, setting to work. "I thought you had some super urgent business to attend to this morning?"
He shrugs. "I did. I had to go home and get dressed before I came here."
"Did you shower beforehand?" You ask as you clean the hair from the razor.
"No, I heard you weren't supposed to if you're getting your hair dyed," He replies, sounding worried. "Was I supposed to? Or are you trying to tell me I stink?"
You snort and shake your head. "No, you did good. I was just curious because your hair is really soft right now. That's all."
He sighs in relief as you finish shaving the sides of his hair, leaving him to get the hair dye. "So how long until you're done with school?"
"This is my last year, actually. I know it's no paleontology school and I'm probably a slacker for only going to school for less than half of the eight years you go, but I think I'm doing pretty good," you grin as you return with the dye, putting on rubber gloves and brushing in a few streaks of red. "How much red do you want in it, anyway?"
Dave bites his lip. "A few more. Are you attracted to redheads?"
"I personally like blondes," you grin mischeviously, setting the dye aside and pulling up a chair. "You've got to leave that in for... Twenty minutes or so? Maybe fifteen."
With a grin, Dave shrugs. "That just means more quality time for us. So do you work today? After this, I mean?"
You yawn and sigh, shaking your head. "No, thank god. Do you?"
"I have a gig in the late afternoon, but I should be home by eight. If not, I'll be jacking someone's shit right up." Your boyfriend grumbles, crossing his arms like a child.
"Maybe I'll have to get takeout from somewhere and invite you over. I think Kanaya is going to your sister's house for the weekend, so it would be nice to have some company."
Dave flutters his eyelashes at you and smirks. "My, you're moving fast, aren't you?"
You blush a dark red and growl in embarrassment, "I didn't mean like that!"
He sniggers and raises his hands in defense. "It was a joke, sugar. You should know I'm not that kind of guy. You want to wait until marriage? I can wait. You want to wait in case you want to change your gender surgically? Alright. You want to stay abstinent? Well, that's why adult toys were invented. My point is that, if you don't want to do it now or ever, I can find a way to deal, okay?"
A smile slowly spreads it's way across your face as you stand and gently kiss him. "This is why I'm so happy you're mine. Are you ready to get that all washed out of your hair?" Dave nods and stands, following you over to the sinks where he sits down and allows you to rinse and wash his hair. As you do so, you realize just how close you just were to saying you love him. You caught yourself just in time, thankfully. You don't want to move too quickly, but as you look down at him, you begin to wonder if you're finally falling in love again. After you wash out all the dye, you dry his hair with a towel and guide him back to his seat. You take a moment to quickly trim his bangs before hooking up the blow dryer and thoroughly drying and styling his hair.
Once he's done and the volunteers begin to leave, Dave stands and smiles down at you. "It looks amazing. As a tip, I'll bring over some food when I get off of work." You smile a little and nod as he gently pulls you closer by the hip to kiss you before waving and following the others out the door. As you watch him go, you sincerely begin to regret not telling him that you love him.

Being Karkat Vantas: A DaveKat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now