Dave ==> Chapter 10

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"He did what?" Karkat asks you in disbelief as you recount the evening's events.
"I'm serious, Karkat. Dude was on a table singing 'My Heart Will Go On' karaoke at the top of his lungs. The bride was pissed. Her husband had to practically drag him out he was so drunk. Also, he spilled his martini on me, and I'm kinda pissed about that," you grumble as you motion to the stain on your dress shirt.
She snorts, unbuttoning it. "Take it off and I'll throw it in the wash. I have to go down to the basement and throw a load in anyway."
You shake your head and stand, taking your shirt off. "I'll do it for you. Where's the basket?"
Karkat motions to the hall. "It's in the bathroom." You nod and grab the basket, opening the front door as Karkat calls out a, "Thank you!" Stepping into the elevator, you press the basement button and the doors slide closed. When they open again, you find yourself in the basement. There, you see a row of washers and a row of dryers. Walking over to an unoccupied washer, you load the clothes in and close the door, starting it up. You set the basket on top of the washer and make your way back upstairs. When you walk into the living room again, you see Karkat on the phone, looking bewildered. You frown, noticing she's using your phone. Someone must've called while you were gone. You sit beside her as she says, "Dave just got back. Would you like to talk to him? Okay, here he is." She holds the phone out to you. "It's your mother." Your eyes widen and you quickly shake your head, motioning for her to abort the mission. "Take the phone!" She hisses in a whisper.
With a silent groan, you take your phone and fake an enthusiastic voice. "Hey, mom. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"There you are! Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone, Davie?! She sounds so sweet!" Your mother chirps from the other end.
Karkat sniggers, blushing lightly as you respond, "I don't know, mom. It's a pretty recent thing."
"I am your mother. I'm supposed to be the first one to know! Even Rosie didn't tell me she was seeing someone! I want to meet these girls, so I want you four to come see your father and I this weekend."
You groan inwardly at that. "Please tell me Bro isn't coming. I haven't been home in like a week."
"He hasn't spoken to me in about a month, so I'd assume not, though your father has half a mind to knock some sense into him for hurting you."
Wincing, you shake your head. "Okay, change of topic: What time do you want us there?"
"Oh, you know. Early afternoon or so. We'd like you to stay the weekend if you can, but if the two of you work, then we can change the date."
"Alright, hang on a sec, Mom." You take your phone away from your ear to check your phone's calendar, glancing over at Karkat. "Do you work at all this weekend?" She shakes her head and you continue, "My mom wants us to come stay the weekend. Is that okay?" She smiles and nods, so you put the phone back to your ear and sigh. "We're both off, but I have a gig Thursday night and I won't be getting home until late, so I'll let you know on Friday when we'll be coming by."
"Oh, good! I'm so excited to see you all! Well, I suppose I should let you go now, so keep me updated and I'll talk to you on Friday! I love you, sweetheart!"
"Yeah, Mom. I love you too. Bye." You hang up and sigh, tossing your phone on the couch. Karkat grins from her spot beside you, causing you to glance up at her. "What?"
"Your mother sounds nice. The two of you have an interesting relationship from the sound of it," she comments.
"My family is..." You hesitate, searching for the correct term. "Unconventional." She quirks an eyebrow as she waits for you to elaborate. "My mother is a lesbian and my father is gay." Karkat gives you a look of utter bewilderment. "My parents were good friends in high school. My dad and his boyfriend wanted kids and so did my mom and her girlfriend, so they decided to have kids together. They didnt like have sex or anything. It was a sperm donation from my dad and all that but... I don't know. It's weird and so I grew up with four parents? I ended up moving in with my brother because once I got older it was just too much fighting between me, my sister, and all four of my parents. My brother ended up abusing me, so my sister stayed with my parents until she could get her own place. Does this even make sense?"
She nods slowly. "Yeah, I think so. It does sound interesting, but your family seems mostly nice from what I've heard so far."
"They are. Both of my parents are married to my... Other parents? It's an odd situation to explain. I have two dads and two moms. But like I obviously have a different bond with my blood parents than my other parents. I love them all. Good people. I'm sure they'll love you and Kanaya."
Her eyes light up at that. "You think so?" You nod as she goes on, "My parents are good people, too. I mean, so is my brother but... I don't know. We aren't really close. He's a very strict conservative republican, so I kind of go against everything he stands for..."
You frown. "You seem to have the misfortune of having too many unaccepting people around you. I mean, you also seem to have a lot of accepting people which is good."
Karkat shrugs, taking a sip of her drink. "I try not to dwell on the bad, you know? It's not healthy."
"I feel that." You nod in agreement before a small smirk creeps it's way onto your lips. "Y'know what else is unhealthy? These burgers I got from Red Robin that still haven't been eaten."
She snorts and giggles, picking her burger up. "Of course. My apologies. You spent good money to clog our arteries. I should be courteous enough to eat it," she teases as she takes a bite.
"That's a lot of meat. I think a woman who can handle all that meat is hot~." You purr with a sly grin.
She nearly chokes, swallowing and punching your arm as she laughs, "Shut the hell up! You'll get to see me in action one day, but that day isn't today!"
You chuckle softly and peck her lips. "I think I can manage to contain myself."
She smiles, papping your cheek. "You're a good guy. I got lucky."
You can't help but return her smile. "So did I."

Being Karkat Vantas: A DaveKat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now