Dave ==> Chapter 20

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"Okay, stop biting your lip. You're going to bleed all over your tux," John scolds as he straightens your tie.
You continue anyways as you glance out at the people in the pews. "Everyone's staring at me..."
John snorts, grinning like an idiot. "It is your wedding. Of course they're going to stare." He then pauses and looks at you a moment. "Why are you so afraid?"
You frown. "Wouldn't you be nervous on your wedding d-" You stop once you see the crestfallen look on his face. You clear throat and look away. "Sorry."
"It's fine," John says as he shakes his head and waves a hand dismissively. You know it's really not. "That isn't what I said anyway. I didn't say 'nervous'. I said 'afraid'. There's a difference."
"There is?" You ask, quirking an eyebrow suspiciously.
"Of course there is. If you were nervous, you would just be a little skittish. You're afraid and, quite honestly, you look like a wreck," he replies sounding concerned.
There you go with the lip biting again. Yes, you are afraid. You're afraid that Karkat is going to leave you for John. You know that John still loves him. This is supposed to be their wedding, after all. You can still see the looks that they give each other. The thought of loosing him terrifies you.
"Fine. I may be a little afraid."
"Yes, shut up."
"Well, what could possibly have you so worked-"
Both of you stop as the organ sounds and the front doors open. Nepeta, who practically begged to be the flower girl and the ring barer due to the fact that neither you or Karkat have any young kids in your families, trotted down the aisle dropping flower petals. She stopped once she reached the alter and turned to watch as Karkat walked down the aisle with her arm hooked to Dirk's. You know she desperately wanted her father to do this, but he unfortunately died of cancer when Karkat was in high school.
You know he would be proud though. She looks beautiful. Her bangs are braided back with small daises weaved in. The rest of her hair tumbles down her back in curls. She only wears light makeup, but it's enough to make her eyes and lips pop. Her long, strapless gown was custom made by Kanaya. She made sure to add a crimson sash of silk around her midsection to give it a splash of color. It's nearly as perfect as the bride who wears it.
Her eyes never stray from yours and the bright smile she displays never falters. She slips her hands into yours as the priest drones on. You can feel John's eyes boring into your back, but Karkat doesn't even glance at him. It fills you with a wave of relief.
You were so transfixed on Karkat that you didn't hear what was going on. You only snapped back into it when you felt Karkat squeezing your hands, a worried look on her face. You blink. "What?"
"He asked if you agreed to take me for richer and for poor and blah blah blah," she replies, fighting a grin.
You let yourself relax and smile. "Sorry. I was captivated by your beauty." That earns you an eye roll from your bride. Your smile softens as you lower your voice. "I do."
The priest hardly manages to repeat his spiel to Karkat when she says I do. Yet again, she doesn't even bother to wait for him to say 'You may now kiss the bride' before she grabs you by the tie and pulls you down to meet her lips. You don't even attempt to hide the grin toying at the edge of your lips as you happily return it. The room erupts into cheers as you scoop her up in your arms and make your way back down the aisle, beaming in triumph the whole way.


"Some after party, huh?" Karkat muses as you lay under the covers together. You'd hardly gotten through the front door of your hotel room with your clothes still on. You'd been holding out until the honeymoon and it was well worth the wait. Now the two of you are cuddling in your undergarments while you watch Happy Gilmore.
Obvious that part was all your idea.
You grin as you kiss her temple. "Absolutely. I wish I could put into words how happy I am."
Her eyes light up at that. "Really? You mean it?"
"I really really do," You reply as you nuzzle her cheek.
She returns the gesture, nuzzling her head against your chest. "You've given me everything I could've ever wanted. It means a lot to me. No, it means everything to me. Thank you, Dave."
You run your fingers through her long curly hair. "I would do anything for you, Mrs. Strider. A beautiful wife like you deserves only the best."
Karkat giggles and bites her lip, studying your face a moment before saying, "You know, I noticed that there weren't any kids at the wedding."
With a shrug, you glance down at her. "You're right. I guess no one is having kids right now."
Now she nibbles at her lower lip; a nervous habit of hers. "Do you not like kids?"
"I love kids," you reply, causing her to sigh in relief. "My first job was a babysitter."
Karkat fights a grin. "You're good with kids?"
"They seem to like me. I never had any problems. They were always well behaved." Then you pause. "Why do you ask?"
She blushes and looks away, brushing it off nonchalantly. "I was just curious, that's all."
You poke at her sides and whine, "Bullshit. Tell me why you asked." She tries not to giggle as she pouts and shakes her head. "You want to be a mother, don't you?" She stays silent. "That's okay, Karkitten. I've thought a lot about being a dad."
She finally glances up at you. "You have?"
"Absolutely," you say with assertion. "You want to have kids, right? I mean obviously not right this second, but soon?" Karkat slowly nods. "I'd like that."
Her jaw drops as her face lights up like a Christmas tree. "You would?" You nod with a smile. She squeals and hugs you tightly, kissing all over your face. "Thank God! I was so worried!"
You chuckle and peck her lips. "I told you already: Only the best for my beautiful wife."
She slips her hand into yours and lays her head on your chest. "We're going to have a beautiful family."
You smile and squeeze her hand. "We sure will."

Being Karkat Vantas: A DaveKat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now