Rose ==> Chapter 5

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"Hey there, Rosey-Roo. How's my favorite little sister doing today?" Dave chirps as he plops himself down on the couch in front of your desk.
Currently, you are at South Alternia Psychiatric Care, which is where you work as a therapist. You don't specialize in anything in particular, so you often find yourself with unique patients. You were right in the middle of filling out one of your patient's paperwork when your brother, as per norm, barged in to undoubtedly discuss some issue going on in his life. It always goes the same way with him. 'Hey, Rosalyn dear. Listen, I wanted to chat about something, but I swear if you start analyzing me I'm walking my fine Strider ass out of here.' Nuisance as he is, it is your obligation, not only as his sister, but as a therapist, to help a poor soul in need.
Sighing softly, you put down your pen and slip off your reading glasses, carefully setting them aside as you push the paperwork away to focus on your ever needy sibling. "We might as well cut to the chase. There is something plaguing your psyche and you require my expertise to evaluate the situation whilst at the same time keeping my analysis short and to the point, correct? You and I have been in this situation enough times in the past for me to know that there is always a deeper, more pressing matter behind your, 'surprise visits'."
He doesn't argue, much to your surprise. You know this must be serious. "You caught me red handed. Like a kid with my hand in the cookie jar who's one wish is to sneak a sweet, savory ass treat before the man, which is you in this case, comes storming in with the damn paddle of justice to rectify my wrongdoings. I've got a problem bigger than my-"
"Stop," you snap quickly, cutting him off, "I will only help you if you keep your male extremities out of the conversation."
Dave places a hand over his chest in mock hurt, "I can't do that to little Dave. He's going to feel so left out."
You narrow your eyes at him, your patience wearing thin. "David, I would highly recommend you hurrying this up before I send you and 'Little Dave' out the window. I have a patient coming in a half hour and I need to get this work done before their arrival."
Your brother sighs in defeat, slumping back. "How are you and Kanaya doing?"
You quirk an eyebrow, surprised. "You couldn't have honestly come to simply inquire about my love life, but I will humor you. Kanaya and I are doing rather well. She and I were going to go to the Skaian Art Museum tomorrow evening and then perhaps go out to dinner."
His fingers drum on the armrest as he ponders that a moment, "Would you mind if Karkat and I joined? Kinda like a double date?"
You blink in shock, folding your arms over the table and leaning forward, dropping your voice to a whisper, "What on earth has gotten into you today? I suppose if you'd really be interested in accompanying us and promise to behave yourself then I can ask Kanaya but..." You trail off a moment, finally asking the question that's been on your mind since he arrived, "Why?"
Dave groans, standing and taking off his shades, tossing them on the couch as he begins ranting, "Any time I've ever been with someone I've always half assed it, Rose! Terezi, Aradia, even Gamzee, though that was over before it started. I really like Karkat. A lot. Normally I'd kiss on the first date but now I'm afraid of doing it too soon! Normally within three months we'd be fighting, but I don't want that with her! I don't want to be the bad boy player anymore! I'm sick of the bachelor life! I want to hold her and love her forever as fucking dumb as that may sound. I want to get a place with her and grow old together." He runs his hands down his face as he sighs exasperatedly, turning his gaze to you. "You're not like me, Rose. You can keep someone around. You and Jade lasted long than all my relationships combined! Help me. Help me make her fall for me."
You're too stunned to respond at first. He was serious. He was in love with Karkat. You cautiously stand and do something you've only done maybe once or twice before. You hug him. You hold him in your arms and he doesn't hesitate to return the action. You're not sure how long it lasts, but once Dave pulls away, he's smiling. "Thanks, Rose. You're the best."
You offer him a small smile of your own, "Likewise. All you have to do to get her to fall in love with you is for you to be your usual, charming self. I'll inform Kanaya of the change in plans after work. Don't you have a gig tonight?"
He puts his shades back on and nods, "Yeah. Probably won't be home until like 3 am so just let me know when the two of you want to head out. Do you just want to go together to pick the girls up?"
You nod, returning to your seat as you put on your glasses again, "Yes, that's fine. I'll drive so you and Karkat can drink at dinner. You know I'm opposed to drinking. As for the time, I know you work late, but we weren't planning to go to the museum until late afternoon anyway."
He sighs softly, leaning against the door, "Yeah, I know. That's fine. Thanks, by the way. For everything."
You can't help but chuckle a little, "You're my blood. I'm morally required to take care of you. Besides," you smile fully, a rare occurrence for you, "I know you would do the same for me."
Dave returns your smile and walks over, kissing your temple, "Of course. I may be a prick, but I'd do anything for you." He walks over to the door an opens it, "Sorry for taking up your time. I hope you can get that paper finished."
You wave a hand dismissively, "I am Rose fucking Lalonde. If I cannot achieve such a simplistic task, then I should not be a therapist."
"There's my girl," He teases, "Love ya, sis."
You feel a warm feeling sweep through your body as he closes the door behind him. "I know... I love you, too..."

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