Karkat ==> Chapter 17

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Karkat. Happy birthday to you."

You take a deep breath and blow out the twenty two candles on your cake. It takes you one big breath to knock out the first twenty and a small puff to get the last two, but you manage. Your mother, your brother, Rose, and Kanaya all clap enthusiastically as Dave hugs you from behind and kisses your neck. You smile softly as Kankri's boyfriend, Cronus, cuts the cake and hands it out.
Yes, today is your twenty-second birthday and no, you're not going to get what you wished for. You never do, especially because it's a lot to ask for. No, it's nothing like world peace or ending hunger. It's much more selfish. Isn't that what birthdays are for though?
You can only pick at your cake. You're feeling a little glum, though you know it's rude of you. It's not that you aren't enjoying yourself. It's the fact that every time you open a card or a gift, it isn't what you really want. Dave's yet to give you anything. He's been asking you what you want, but you continue to insist that you want nothing. As a matter of fact, no one here has given you anything at all. Maybe that's what's bumming you out.
Then, as if on cue, Rose gathers the empty plates and puts them in your sink as Dave and Kanaya usher you into the living room with the others in toe. They sit you down on the couch, looking as though they're hardly managing to contain their excitement. You frown as you look up at them and ask, "What? What's going on?"
Dave waits until Rose returns to speak. "Well, we all thought long and hard about what to get you, but we couldn't think of anything." He then holds out a big yellow envelope to you. "This was the best we could do."
You cautiously take it and open it. The envelope is thick and heavy, which makes you even more confused. When you finally empty it, you see why it was so heavy. It's filled with $100 bills. 220 of them to be exact. Where the fuck did they get $22 thousand dollars?!
You stare up at Dave in disbelief. Never once have you held so much money in your hands at one time. "Where the hell did you get this?"
"Each of us pitched in $100, plus we got a few of your other friends to chip in, too," Kanaya replies with a smile.
"Then where did the other $15 thousand come from?" You ask nervously. Everyone's gaze turns to Dave as he waves and smiles sheepishly. Your eyes widen in shock. "You?"
He nods. "Me. In the flesh."
You furrow your eyebrows and will yourself not to cry. "Where did you get all that money?"
"Life savings," he admits with a shrug. "Got a second job specifically for the occasion."
Now the tears spill freely down your cheeks. "Why on Earth would you do that?"
He sits beside you and smiles fully. "Because I love you and know how much getting your gender changed would mean to you."
You stop breathing for a minute. Is this really happening? Are you really going to be able to do this? Has your wish finally come true? "Dave, you and I have only been dating a little over a year. Are you sure you want to give me all this money?"
He nods assertively. "Absolutely."
"What if we break up?" You ask with a pout.
"I know that we won't, but if we do, at least I'll know that I changed your life. That seems pretty good to me. Besides, money has no meaning to me. You need it more than I do," Dave replies simply.
You clutch the envelope to your chest and sniffle, rubbing at your eyes. "Thank you..." You toss the envelope onto the table and grab him by the collar, kissing him lovingly. "Thank you, Dave... So much... I love you so much it feels like my heart is going to explode..."
Dave chuckles and kisses back, caressing your cheek. "This is only part one."
You frown and shake your head. "Oh, no. That's enough for one day. I mean, Jesus you just gave me what I make in half a year. What else could you possibly have in store?"
He smiles knowingly and stands, walking over to the door and slipping on his shoes. "You'll just have to come on a little walk with me to find out."
You bite your lip to suppress a smile and stand, quickly hugging and thanking everyone before walking over to the door and slipping your shoes on. You wave to everyone as you follow Dave out the door.
Where could he possibly be taking you? God, he really does spoil you. Honestly, you can't imagine your life without him. He's just so good to you. He loves you with all of his heart, and that makes you happy. Hell, it makes you ecstatic. You've never had someone love you this much. It makes your heart swell with joy. You love him so much it hurts to breathe.
You glance up at him and it dawns on you. You love him. You've known it all along, but it's meaning is just now sinking in. Dave is your life now. He's your everything and you're his everything. It's an odd sensation to need someone so desperately. It's as though, if you weren't to have him, you would be in so much distress that you would die. You rely on him. You're dependent on him. It's a scary feeling, but at the same time, it's also exhilarating.
You take Dave's hand in your own. You have a good feeling about this surprise. A very good feeling.

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