Kanaya ==> Chapter 6

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"That is okay with you, isn't it? If not, I can always tell Dave it's off."
You glance into the living room where Karkat is lounging, watching Mean Girls 2 for only the third time because apparently it's, 'a total rip off of the original and the plot is atrocious'. You shake your head and turn your back to her, returning to your room. "No, that's fine, my dear. Your brother is treating Karkat well, so I see no reason they cannot join us. I will ask Karkat about it momentarily," You reply, holding your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you rifle through your clothes.
Rose sighs in relief, "You truly are the best. We should be there to pick you up at roughly three o'clock, but I will keep you updated on that. Dave's working late tonight so I want to let him sleep."
You chuckle a little to yourself at her maternal instincts as you pick out a pair of heels, "I'm fully aware. Alright, I will see you then. Goodbye, Rose."
"Goodbye, Kanaya."
You hang up the phone and toss it on your bed, setting your dress and heels neatly on your desk chair for tomorrow before making your way to the living room. You grab the tv remote from its perch on the coffee table and pause the movie, earning a scowl from Karkat. "I was watching that."
Ignoring her comment, you place your hands on your hips and respond, "Would you be interested in going on a double date with Rose and I tomorrow evening?"
She stops, blinking in surprise before breaking into a grin, "Of course! Where are we going?"
"The art museum and then dinner."
The smaller girl squeals in delight, squeezing a pillow to her chest. "This is going to be so much fun!"
With a snigger and a roll of your eyes, you grab her hand and pull her to her feet. "Let's go find you something to wear."


When three o'clock rolled around the next day, you and Karkat were ready. You'd picked out your favorite short sleeved, knee length, Jade green dress with cream pumps for yourself and a strapless grey dress with matching grey flats. She'd even let you straighten and curl her hair, though she'd refused makeup.
As you sit on the couch calmly watching whatever happened to be on the tv, Karkat is nervously pacing behind you. The action is making you tense, so you sigh and stand, turning around to face her. "Karkat, darling, what is the matter?"
She glances at you, biting her nail, "What if I say something stupid or do something embarrassing in front of Dave?"
You walk to her side and carefully move her hand away from her mouth, "Mark my words, you will be fine." You smile reassuringly as the doorbell rings. Karkat tenses up yet again as you open the door, smiling. "Hello, Rose. I absolutely adore the dress. It brings out your eyes. Please, do come in." You step aside to let Rose and Dave in.
Dave wastes no time in making his way to Karkat with a small bouquet of flowers. He smiles and she offers a small, nervous one in return. "Hey. You look incredible as always," Dave comments, handing the flowers to Karkat.
The latter tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and cautiously takes the flowers, a light blush dusting her pale cheeks, "Thank you. Would you like to come with me to put these in a vase?" Dave nods and politely slips off his shoes before following Karkat to the kitchen.
Rose beams at you and whispers, "These two are absolutely adorable."
You giggle, "I agree. Karkat was often boisterous and foul mouthed, but Dave seems to have calmed her flame. She is happy, and that's all I wish."
Rose's eyes flicker with something that might have been worry, "And you? Are you satisfied with the way things are going?"
You smile softly and slips your hand into hers. "Absolutely." Dave and Karkat return to the living room as Dave puts his shoes back on, "Shall we?" You ask, opening the door.
Dave nods and grins, slipping an arm around Karkat, "Ladies first."
The four of you make your way outside and into Rose's car, a black Nissan Maxima. You sit up front with Rose, Dave and Karkat taking the back. You all make small talk until you get to the museum. Once you park, you file up the marble stairs to the entrance where Dave pays your admission before ushering the three of you inside.
You and Rose lag behind a bit to watch how Dave and Karkat interact. You've known Karkat long enough to know how exuberant she got when it came to the arts, so you watch in amusement as she explains the pieces of art to Dave and the deeper meanings behind them. Dave simply watches with an expression much like your own as he nods and listens patiently. You and Rose quietly discuss the art among yourselves, walking hand in hand as you observe.
By the time the four of you had gone through it all, it was already almost six. Once again, the four of you pile back into the car and decide on a quaint little restaurant down the street. You're seated at a booth; you and Rose on one side and Dave and Karkat on the other. As soon as you're comfortably seated with drinks in hand, you smile softly and ask, "So how did you two enjoy the museum?"
Karkat's face lit up, "It was amazing! You and I have been living here for most of our lives and not once have we gone there. I'm a little disappointed in us."
Dave nods in agreement, taking a sip of his drink, "It's interesting to see what the human mind can come up with."
Rose smiles and nods in approval, "I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as Kanaya and I did."
The four of you talk about the museum and its attractions until your food comes. Yet again you watch how Dave and Karkat act with one another. Whenever the former finds the latter isn't looking, he steals one of the fries from off of her plate, resulting in a light scolding. There's something so intriguing about they way they act with one another. It's almost as if they've been friends forever.
Rose seems to have had the same thoughts from the way she watches them. Your mind races a million miles an hour as you carefully move your hand to slip into hers. As she looks up at you and smiles, you come to the conclusion that this is where you're meant to be.

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