Unknown ==> Chapter 15

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It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Yet, as per norm, you're locked away indoors. Things just feel so empty and meaningless ever since the light of your life left you. You're now reduced to nothing more than a hollow shell of your former self.
Like you do every day after work, you scroll through social media to observe the lives of everyone who has it better than you. Look at all of them. Wives, children, careers. What do you have? Nothing of importance. That's what.
Hold on a moment. There's a name you haven't seen in a while. You wonder what he's been up to. You haven't seen each other since high school. Maybe rekindling your former friendship will return you to your previous, happy go lucky self. It's worth a try, isn't it?
You click on his name and shoot him a message.

You: Hey, Dave! Long time no see! We haven't talked in a while. We should get together soon and catch up!

You drum your fingers on your desk until he replies.

Dave: Hey John! Yeah man, it's been forever. We should hang out again. Maybe you should come over this weekend. I'm moving in with my girlfriend.
You: Hell yeah! I'd love to help and meet her!
Dave: Cool man. Saturday?
You: Saturday it is!

You can't help but smile to yourself. After all this time alone you have something to do. Maybe Dave can help you finally get over the one person you've spent the past year longing for: Karkat Vantas.

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