Kanaya ==> Chapter 11

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"Are you sure you want to do this? We can always say you two got sick," Dave pleads with Karkat as you make your way up the steps to Dave and Rose's parents' house.
"I agree fully with Dave," Rose chimes in once you're on the porch. "It's never too late to back down and no one will think any less of the two of you."
You and Karkat exchange a sideways glance before returning your gazes to the siblings. "Are you quite sure it isn't the two of you who are having second thoughts?" You ask, tilting your head in curiosity.
"I didn't want to come at all," Dave grumbles, earning an elbow to the side from Karkat.
"I want to meet your mom, Dave. It can't be that bad." She says with a roll of her eyes.
"I don't think you fully grasp our situation, Karkat," Rose warns.
You cross your arms over your chest. "I am in agreement with Karkat. I would also like to make your mothers acquaintance, so if you won't ring the doorbell, I will." Karkat nods as you press the doorbell, Dave and Rose both looking for some sort of escape.
Unfortunately for them, they don't get the chance to find one. The door almost immediately opens and before you stands a tall woman looking nearly identical to Rose. The biggest difference is the way her hair flips out at the bottom. She's wearing a long white skirt similar to your favorite red one and a black blouse. She smiles brightly when she sees the three of you, and you can already tell she's far more energetic than Rose. "David! Rosey! Come here, my babies!" She squeals as she pulls the two of them in for a hug. You and Karkat fight smiles upon seeing the looks of agony on their faces. Their mother finally lets go after fawning over her children, her eyes turning to the two of you. "You must be Kanaya and Karkat! It's so nice to finally meet you! Welcome to the family!" She says happily as she pulls the two of you in for a hug. Karkat, having never been one for close contact, especially with strangers, tenses and glances over at Dave for help.
This is when he finally intervenes, pulling his girlfriend from his mothers grasp. "Alright, Mom. Take it easy. Please don't scare them off."
She pulls back, smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry, dear. It's very rare we get company, and I tend to get a little to excited. Oh! Do you need help with your bags?"
Dave shakes his head, grabbing his and Karkat's things. "No, we've got it," he says as he passes through the front doors, shooting Karkat an exasperated look as they do so.
Rose follows, grabbing your things and immediately taking them upstairs. "Am I to assume you turned our rooms into guest bedrooms?" Rose calls as she heads up the stairs.
"Of course not, dear! We haven't touched your rooms since you moved out!" Her mother chirps back happily.
Rose stops dead in her tracks, both her and Dave's heads swiveling back to look at her. "What?" They ask in unison.
"Pardon me, but just to make sure we're all on the same page, the room that Dave and I will be staying in hasn't been touched since he was a kid?" Karkat asks in disbelief.
Once again, Dave's mother smiles and nods. "It hasn't been touched since he was in 9th grade."
Karkat's eyes light up as she flashes Dave a mischievous grin. "Mrs. Lalonde, would you mind keeping Dave occupied for a moment while I go change into something more comfortable?"
Her arm hooks with Dave's. "Of course, dear! He can help me with dinner. You too, Rose. Come along now!"
"But mother I-"
"Don't talk back young lady. Come on," she says, holding her free hand out to her daughter. With a sigh of annoyance, she puts the bags on the landing and trudges down the stairs, allowing her mother to lead her into the kitchen. With one glance at Karkat, the two of you grin and run up the stairs, going to Dave's room first.
You stare in awe as you inspect the room. Selfies of Dave hang all over the room's red painted walls. Dead creatures sit in jars on shelves above his bed, which is covered with a red blanket. A stack of magazines sticks out from under the bed. Karkat sets down the bags she'd brought up and takes an immediate interest in these, kneeling down and picking them up. "Oh. My. God." You frown and curiously look over her shoulder, quirking an eyebrow when you see what it is.
"Playboy?" You ask, raising your eyebrows at her.
"Maybe I should go ask him about this, hm?" She says, looking up at you.
You nod and grab her hand, dragging her to Rose's room. "But first, I want to see my girlfriend's room." You grin as you push the door open.
The room is painted lavender. A basket of yawn sits on Rose's old desk by her computer. A dusty violin rests unattended on a stand near the foot of the bed, which was covered with a dark purple blanket. The white curtains were drawn back, letting sunlight into the room. A bookshelf teeming with books sat against one wall. It fit Rose well. It had a cozy feeling to it. You set the bags on the bed and turn to Karkat, smiling. "I rather like it. It's quite quaint, don't you agree?"
She didn't seem to be paying attention. Rather, she was inspecting the magazines in her hand with a frown. After a moment of pause, she glances up at you, furrowing her eyebrows. "Huh?"
"I asked if you liked Rose's room..." You repeat, looking worried.
Karkat tucks the magazines under her arm and nods. "It's nice in here. Are you ready to go back downstairs?" You nod slowly and trail behind as she makes her way downstairs and to the kitchen. You can tell something is wrong, and you think it might have something to do with those magazines.
When you get to the kitchen, she walks over to Dave and taps his shoulder. He turns around and smiles. "Hey. What are those?" He asks, motioning to the Playboys under her arm.
"Oh, I found these under your bed. Care to explain?" She asks as she shows them to him.
His face flushes scarlet as he makes a grab for them. "Those are nothing!"
Dave's mother takes them from Karkat and gasps. "David! This is beyond inappropriate, though I shouldn't be surprised. You always have been a ladies man."
Dave rubs the back of his neck and shrugs, his blush fading a little. "I know. I can't help it. I'm attracted to beautiful women." He smiles over at Karkat, who forces a weak one in return. It slowly begins to dawn on you what's happening. She's self-conscious. Karkat's one wish has always been to be a real woman like them, and you guarantee Dave's parents don't even know she isn't.

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