Dave ==> Chapter 19

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"Dave, I'm going to be fine," Karkat chides in a calm, motherly voice. You can tell she's fighting a smile. "I'll go in and get the surgery and be well rested and recovered in a few days. You'll see me then."
You frown, still pacing in the waiting room as you listen for them to call Karkat in. "I just can't believe I got booked for an out of town party this weekend of all times."
"You can't ignore your adoring fans, Dave. What would their party be without your ill beats?" She teases with a smirk.
Your eyebrows furrow as you stop, glancing over at her. "I'm serious, Karkat."
"So am I."
You bite your nail nervously, scanning your brain for a solution. "Maybe I can cancel..."
"Absolutely not!" Karkat hisses in a hushed tone so she wouldn't disturb the other patients. You raise an eyebrow curiously, so she answers your question without you even asking. "Listen, as much as I want you to be here, I can't interfere with your work. We're low on money right now, especially with me being out for the count until I get better. I know you'll call still, and you'll be back by the time I need to leave." You pout, crossing your arms like a child. "I'll send you pictures?" She offers with a small grin.
You glance over, nibbling at your lower lip. After contemplating it for a moment, you shake your head. "I want to see in person."
Karkat grins and pecks your lips. "I'll try to hold off. Just remember that we're going to have to wait on that until I'm fully healed."
Now you smirk, pulling her closer by the hip and kissing her jaw as you mutter, "Good thing I got my fill last night."
She tries not to laugh as she shoves you playfully. "You're such an ass sometimes." A moment later, the doctor pokes his head out of the door and calls for Karkat. You grimace and look back down at her. She smiles softly. "Take one last look, Dave."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" You ask nervously as you drink in the sight of her.
She nods. "I'm positive. Why? Are you having second thoughts?"
You immediately shake your head. "I'm just going to miss it."
Karkat's smile turns sad as she nods. "Me too."
Your arms wrap around her tightly as you hug her and sigh softly into her hair which has grown back significantly since she last cut it. "I love you, princess."
She giggles and wraps her arms around your neck, kissing you sweetly before pulling away. "I love you, too, my knight." You linger for a moment before you let go, watching as she follows the doctor out of the room. "Good luck," You say quietly. You think it was mostly for yourself.


The party was long and excruciating and you hardly got to talk to Karkat because she spent most of her time sleeping. All of the waiting will be worth it, though. You finally get to see her today. As you wait in the lobby with your bouquet of red roses for her to come down, you see a familiar face walk into the hospital.

John fucking Egbert.

You feel your blood boil in anger as he approaches you. In his hand is a small, potted snapdragon. Growling in the back of your throat, you narrow your eyes at him, "What're you doing here?"
"Look, I know you probably don't want me here, but I promised Karkat I'd stop by," he defends with a frown.
Poking his chest, you move until your faces are mere inches apart, snarling, "I swear to God if you fuck things up between us I'll-"
"Dave?" You hear a soft, slightly higher pitched voice ask. Both your and John's heads swivel in the direction of the sound only to come face to face with a sight that nearly stops your heart.
Before you stands the same face you fell in love with, but with a few minor bodily changes. Oh, fuck. Let's not even dance around it. There's nothing minor about it. Karkat has curves that could make a grown man cry and the perfect sized bust to fit her body. Her ass looks pretty nice, too. Then again, you've always admired her Vantass and the way that she knows how to use it. If you had to describe her in two words, they'd be, "Breathtakingly Beautiful..." You utter in almost a whisper.
A bright red blush covers her face as she looks herself over. "You really think so?" All you can do is nod. You're too astonished by the transformation to form a coherent sentence. Guess who isn't?

John fucking Egbert.

"Wow. I mean I always though you were stunning but this just seems so... You. Like, this is really who you are now. I love it. And you." He says with a small smile.
The nice moment is over. You're going to wring his stupid little neck- You stop mid thought when you feel Karkat's small figure hugging your side. "Thank you, John. You already know where I stand, unfortunately." She replies with a small grin of her own.
John nods and hands her the flower. "I don't blame you. If I were you, I'd do the same exact thing. He's far more capable of caring for you than I am. I just thought you should know." He nods towards the door. "I should get going. I have to head to the store before I go home."
Karkat nods in understanding as she pries open your clenched fist to hold your hand. "Alright. Thanks for coming, John. It means a lot."
He shrugs. "Sorry I couldn't come sooner. I didn't want to be here without Dave's supervision. I figure he deserves that much." That makes you calm down a little as he beams up at you. "See you soon?" You nod without another word and watch as he leaves, a sigh of relief escaping you as soon as he's gone.
Karkat giggles and leans up to kiss you. "Excuse the pun, but I could see the red in your eyes as soon as he walked in."
You snort and carefully pick her up bridal style. "I don't even want to think about it. Let's just get you home so we can watch Hitch in peace, okay?"
She smiles fully as she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses your cheek. "It's good to be back where I belong."
You return the gesture as you walk out of the hospital. "It sure is."

Being Karkat Vantas: A DaveKat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now