Ch. 2 What am I?

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Five more minutes till lunch. I made it through five class periods and I've been able to keep my composure. Even after having seen yet another glowing figure. This time it was more fox like and glowed a golden color. I found out the names of each of the students that had one wrapped around them: Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, and Kira Yukimura. I was definitely going to keep a close eye on them. The other thing that really bothered me was the way all the boys kept staring at me. I mean I was never the one to think that I was someone that even appealed the opposite sex.


"Alright class, though I do realize this is your first time in this particular class that does not mean you do not have homework. Now your assignment is on the board. Once you have written it down come get the worksheet on my desk. Then you may leave," I informed them.

The whole classed groaned just like the previous classes had. I stood erasing the board of all the physics notes I had written down. When I turned around the last of my students walked out of the room. I heaved a long sigh. I checked my phone to see how long I had till lunch was over. 35 minutes wonderful, now I can just relax till the bell rings. Just as I sat down my stomach growled at me. Wow that breakfast didn't last very long. Well I might as well get something to eat. Damn, I don't have my car. Maybe the cafeteria then? It wouldn't be all that weird considering I'll practically blend right in.

I walked out into the hall and in the direction most kids were headed, hoping that they'll lead me to the cafeteria. Luckily they did. Once I walked in I felt eyes on me instantly. I looked towards the direction the stare came from, and to my surprise it was that Scott kid. It seemed all around him were glowing figures. There was Kira and Lydia along with others I couldn't identify. What I could see were two identical wolf like creatures, that happened to be ice blue like Derek's, attached to twin boys; and the last one I saw was a darkened yellow, which belong to another boy. I would have to get there names later.

Just then someone brushed passed me. It was then that I realized I had just been standing there for who knows how long, a tint of pink painted my cheeks. I must have looked stupid just standing and staring. I quickly looked straight down at my shoes and walked towards the cafeteria line. When I got there I took a tray and headed down the line of food displayed. Once I reached the end I had a ham sandwich, an apple, and water, but then I realized that I forgot my wallet in my classroom.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath.

"Something wrong?"

I turned to find a boy with dark brown hair and a red hoodie. "I forgot my wallet," I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Oh, that sucks," he breathed out. He then took out his wallet when it was my turn to pay for my meal. "Here you go," he handed the lunch lady the respective money.

I looked down. "Thank you," I smiled, "You really didn't have to."

"It's OK, I wanted to. Besides I couldn't leave you stranded like that. You're new so you gotta have someone to help you."

I looked up at him with the faint pink now back on my cheeks. "Thanks."

"Look, because you're new why don't you sit with me and my friends. I'm Stiles by the way," he grabbed a hold of his lunch with one hand and stuck the other in my direction.

"Chris," I took his hand in mine and shook it. "That's really nice and all, but I don't think some of your friends would want to hang out with me."

"Sure they would. In fact, just stay here and I'll go ask," he walked off in the direction of Scott's table.

Clearly he had no idea that I was the new teacher. I mean I realize I was around his age, but even so doesn't word travel fast in high school. I dared a glance at Scott, who still had his eyes glued on me. I soon felt my eyes change. They probably were glowing, similar to what happened the night before. Looking at Scott, his eyes turned red. I turned away quickly, careful not to show how shocked I truly was. I then looked at Stiles who was apparently flailing like an idiot as he was talking to Lydia. I quickly made my way out of the cafeteria with my tray in hand. I went straight back to my classroom. When I got there I closed the door faster than I thought possible. I grabbed my phone to look at my eyes, but they seemed to be their normal hazel.

I put my phone down when I heard the door to the classroom open. I spun around to see Scott standing there. His eyes glowing red again and in response I felt mine change again. Scott's eyes widened slightly as he looked behind me. I looked back and saw that the water bottle on my tray was rocking back and forth till it tipped and the water came spilling out. Scott's glowing figure was standing at attention and Scott himself had claws instead finger nails. My eyes seemed to shimmer and the water responded by placing itself between me and Scott like a barrier.

"What are you?" Scott asked harshly.

"I don't know...I didn't even realize I could do that," I said with a shaky voice. My nerves finally kicking. I didn't know what was happening.

Scott's claws were gone, and his eyes shown concern. "Do you know what I am?"

I snapped out of my frightened trance and answered, "Of course I know what you are. Your an alpha. By the way your eyes glow red and the fact that you had claws, anyone could see you were a werewolf. Honestly Scott, I'm a mythology teacher not stupid."

Scott blinked out of surprise by my answer. After calming down a bit the water just seemed to drop to the floor. Great, now I need to clean up. I looked up at Scott and he wasn't there. I sighed. Guess I'll clean it by myself. To my surprise Scott came back, from where ever he went, with a mop and a couple of rags. We started to clean up. I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

I looked up in curiosity, "Do you know what I am?"

Scott looked up from the, almost clean, floor, "No, but I do intend to find out."

"How? I mean, it's not like there is really someone that knows what's going on with me," I sighed.

"Well actually my boss at the Animal Clinic might."

"Oh, okay. Well I think we should keep this between us for now."

"It's the only vet clinic in town, so it should be easy to find. I'll meet you there? Around 8:00ish?"

"Sounds good."

"You know you trust really easily."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"In your case, yes, I would definitely say that it's a bad thing."

"Oh-" I was cut off by the bell. Wow I didn't even realize time had flown so fast. "You should get to your next class."

Scott then got up, after he finished cleaning, and walked out the door with the cleaning supplies. I turned towards my desk to get out the assignments for my next class. I noticed I still had my cafeteria tray. Soon all my students got settled in to my final class of the day. Thankfully I only had six classes and not seven. Lucky for me I begin and end with mythology. I passed out the in class assignment and gave them the text book page.

"I'll be right back, and when I come back I will start the lesson that will follow the worksheet," I walked out and towards the cafeteria.

I got to the cafeteria and place my tray and things with the lunch ladies that had already started to clean up. As I walked out I realized that Derek didn't know that I didn't have a seventh period and I have no way of contacting him. Well fuck. I guess I'll get to know the staff a bit better, as well as where everything is located. I sighed as I stalked towards my classroom already ready for the end of the day.

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