Ch. 15 Kidnapped

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I woke up to a sleeping Derek underneath me acting as a warm pillow. I glanced up at my clock on my bedside table, it was 1:00 a.m. I haven't felt this refreshed since, well ever. I looked up into Derek's sleeping face, and I have to admit: damn, is he good looking, but also the fact that he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I don't think I've ever seen Derek so tranquil. I got up from the bed, careful not to wake him, and headed downstairs. I guess even werewolves can be heavy sleepers.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and pot from the cupboard, and milk from the fridge. I turned on the stove and placed the pot on top of the low lit fire, and poured the milk in slowly. It simmered slightly. I grabbed sugar from the pantry, and added a teaspoon of it to make the milk sweet. after about 5 minutes, I took the milk off the stove and poured some into my mug. I let it cool. Just before I picked it up I sensed a presence that emitted itself from the hallway, outside my loft. Against all better judgement I went to go see what it was.

Something drew me closer even though my mind kept screaming at me to stay inside. As I opened the door a weird sensation hit me and I couldn't control my body, it started to move on it's own. My legs walked down the corridor on their own, my eyes were in a complete haze as my legs took me further down the hall. They continued to walk down the stairs leading to the parking garage below. I was greeted by darkness my bare feet met the cold hard metallic floor of the garage, leaving the warm carpeted stairs. Off in the distance their were two green glowing eyes, and they put me in some kind of trance as my legs pulled me in their direction.

~Derek's POV~

I rolled over in the bed expecting Chris to be right beside me, but she wasn't in bed. I smelled the warm milk she had prepared not to long ago, it had a sweet smell. I figured she must be downstairs. I climbed out of bed, and headed down, only to be met with her door wide open. My eyes widen as I tried to catch her scent. It was still fresh when I picked it up, she was near by. I walked out to the hall and down the stairs to the parking garage. When I arrived Chris was in the arms of a shadow, it stretched larger than anything I have ever encountered. My claws were out my my fangs growing into place. My eyes glowed blue as I growled at the shadow like creature. I could see that Chris was unconscious.

I then heard a voice, "Ah, ah, ah. It's not nice to growl at guests." Then came a dark chuckle.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

"Oh, nothing that you can give me. It's only something she can give me, but I have to admit watching her friends squirm is a bonus," he says with another laugh.

I glared at him in slight confusion, until he let out another dark guffaw before he spoke again. "You mean she hasn't told you yet? Well this just makes my game a whole lot more fun, now doesn't it? Well I suppose I'll tell you then. You see Chrissy here is, how should I say, the princess to the fairy realm to put it bluntly. But there was a little catch to her being appointed as such, cause you see she also contains the old power. If she told you that those silly lights had anything to do with the power she contains, then she is very wrong." I gaped at this. Did she lie to me then?

"Having doubts I see," he smirked, to which I growled lowly. "Don't worry she was still too young to actually know that when she had her little accident. Anyone that carries the old power is sacred and is considered royalty. Too bad for her, though. You see the old power can only be transferred down via...well I'll think I'll leave that part a mystery. Other than that, the high council had promised long ago that she would 'transfer' her power down my bloodline, but you see her parents being the people they were, just couldn't stand for it and tried to break a long termed treaty. And that was a big 'no, no'. So here I am trying to set things right."

"I can't let that happen, so sorry to disappoint," I punched the shadow only to have my hand go straight through. I had slowly been inching closer as he babbled on, but my body was soon met with sheer force to a wall. As the wall cracked slightly, I felt a thick liquid slide down my chin from my lips, blood. I growled once more, before wiping it from my now cracked lips. I howled, hoping the others heard, even this early in the morning.

There was a creepy laugh that emanated from the shadow, "Did you really think I would make it that easy for you? You must be clueless. Do you not even realize that I'm not actually here?! Do you not even know who I am?!" His cackle grew louder.

I spit out blood from my mouth and looked up, "Yeah, I know who you are," He looked at me with a skeptical look. "Your the guy who I'm going to kill because he took someone who doesn't belong to him."

The expression on the shadow hardened. I noticed that Chris was still unconscious. I heard motorcycles in the background, I figured it was Scott and the twins. I smirked up at the dark figure, as the the shadow gripped Chris firmer than before.

"It looks like your time has run out," I snarled.

"That's where your wrong, you see I have all the time in the world! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Just as I was about to rush at him once again, there was a blinding light before both him and Chris were gone.

The light receded, and Scott and the twins finally arrived. There faces were of shock and surprise. They shut off their engines and got off their bikes walking towards me.

Scott broke the heavy tension that I hadn't even noticed, "Derek what happened? Where's Chris?"

I looked at them, "She's been taken, by some shadow creep. I think he might try something with her, he had started to talk nonsense about transferring of powers and bloodlines, shit like that. Get everyone together, we need to find them before that shadow does anything to her."

The twins nodded in response and got back on their motor cycles, no doubt going to get the others. Scott looked in disbelief as he fumbled with his phone as he most likely called Stiles. I headed back up to Chris' loft. Her scent was every where, it mixed in with the sweet scent of the still warm milk. I went to the kitchen grabbing the glass, and drank it. It tasted the same as when she had kissed me. I have to find her.

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