Ch. 1 Meetings

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I opened my eyes slowly to see that my phone alarm was going off. I grabbed it and shut it off, and I checked the time. 5:15 a.m. Today's the first day, better start getting ready. I rose from my empty bed and threw my feet over the edge attempting to wake myself up. I hated getting up early, it was an honest struggle. I am more of night owl, than an early bird. After about five minutes of just sitting on the edge of my bed I finally got up. I soon got dressed and planned to go out and get coffee, at a near by coffee shop or cafe. I looked into one of the mirrors, already placed in the loft, and reviewed my outfit. It wasn't a professional look, as I had gotten dressed in dark blue jeans, a white, long-sleeved blouse, and my black converse. I left my dark chocolate hair o-natural after brushing it.

After several more moments I came down stairs and groggily looked out the window at the now rising sun. I glanced at my phone reading: 5:45 a.m. God, I hate getting up in the morning. I looked for my messenger bag and my computer. When I found them I grabbed the syllabuses, my schedule, my wallet, my keys, and headed for the door. Seeing as I have no food I'll have to get some when I go for coffee. I got to my door and opened it to reveal the guy from last night, from the loft across the street. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Hi, I saw you just moved in so, as a neighbor I came to say hello," he said with a straight face.

"Oh, well hi. That's very nice, but I have to go," I explained trying to get by him, but he wouldn't budge.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked seriously.

"Well I was going to get coffee and then...wait, why do you wanna know?"

"Look, you probably don't know you're way around so I was just wondering."

"Well, thanks for being so concerned, but I'll be just fine." I huffed. What the hell is this guys deal. I glanced over at him again and noticed the glowing figure hanging around him. I stared at it for the longest time, it was absolutely mesmerizing.

"I'm Derek by the way."

"Chris." Maybe I should just just let him show me around or something. "Hey, if you're so concerned about me do you mind showing me where the nearest coffee place is and perhaps where Beacon Hills High is?"

"Sure." He finally allowed me to pass and I walked out of my loft and locked it shut.

When we got onto ground level I followed him to his car hoping that he would give me a ride as well. I mean no use in wasting gas, right? Though he is a complete stranger. I got in and it didn't look like he minded, so I buckled up and we drove off. I constantly checked my phone in worry that I would be late, but it was almost six. Good thing I didn't have to be there till 6:45. We stopped at a cafe and got some coffee and a bagel. Finally, there was caffeine in my system. I sighed in content as Derek drove me to Beacon High with 15 minutes to spare. I got out and turned around to say thank you.

"Thanks, for all of this. You don't mind picking me up do you?"

"Sure. Oh and Chris."


"Be careful." The glowing figure at this point was looking around everywhere as if sensing danger.

"OK, " I sincerely responded shutting the door.

Once he drove off, I walked off until I finally spotted the office. When I got there I asked the woman at the front desk if she had a list of students for my classes. She laughed, probably thinking I was joking, and soon got out a locker number and started looking through what I assume was the database.

I laughed in return, "Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Chris Tate, the new teacher for the new programs the school has begun this year."

"Oh, I am so sorry, you are just so young that I could only assume you were a new student. Here are the list of your students for each class. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience," she explained.

"It's alright, thank you." I walked out of the office and went in search of my classroom, seeing as I have class soon.

After walking for a couple of minutes I knew I was lost. I feel like I've been walking around in circles. I honestly should have just asked that lady at the front desk for directions. I stopped and looked around noticing that there was a man in a track outfit. He looked like a teacher or a coach by the looks of it. I walked up to him and saw he was standing in front of a door that read: Coach Finstock's Office.

"Excuse me, but I'm a bit lost could you help me find what classroom I'm suppose to be in," I asked.

"Sure, but you do realize that first period is about to start soon?"

"Yeah." I looked around noticing that students were filing into their classrooms.

He took the paper from my hand and looked at. "Wait. You're the new teacher? No way, your just a kid!"

"Yeah a kid who has both a Master's and BA in Physics and Mythology; and who is going to be late to teach her first class. If you would please," I grew slightly irritated.

"Sure," he eyed me up and down begrudgingly, "Just right down this hall and to right. It'll be the first door to your left."


I walked in the direction he told me as the bell rung for the start of class. Fuck, I'm late. When I got to the class, I checked my schedule. Mythology. I stepped in to the classroom and placed my stuff on the desk at the front of the room. I scanned the room and clenched my fists two glowing figures wrapped around a pair of students. They were sitting next to each other, one looking like Derek's, except it was a deep red. The other one seemed to be a mix between crimson red and a pale green; and it took on more a humanistic look. The latter was one I rarely saw. To keep from being to suspicious I smiled a bit and cleared my throat.

"Hello class I'm Miss Tate, but you can all call me Chris if you feel uncomfortable, considering I'm around your age. Anyway, I'm the new Physics and AP Mythology teacher for the senior class." Everyone stared in disbelief, making me feel nervous. I tried to not be put off by it, and just continued to the lesson.

Let's try to make this a good year, even with those figures hanging around.

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