Chapter 19: Fight My Way

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~ Stiles' POV ~

We scouted the castle, getting rid of the guards as we go. It looked like the castle was fortified, and we would need to sneak in. Although, they might be expecting us. We have to be careful. After what seemed like an hour of scouting the castle, we met up with Jackson, Lydia and the twins at the portal entrance. 

"Did you find a way in?" Lydia asked. 

We shook our heads. And explained all the entrances had been blocked, but it seemed a few of the upper story windows were open.

"Oh, great. How are we getting up there?" Aiden chimed in.

"We could jump in, but that would leave one of us vulnerable to whatever is waiting inside," Scott explained. 

"Have the others arrived?" I asked. 

"They should be here soon, if we could just-" Lydia began

"Wait? Are you kidding me?! We HAVE been waiting!" I yelled.

"Chill out Stilinski, we all care for her!" Aiden defended Lydia.

Scott grabbed my shoulder and squeezed in reassurance, "She's fine, and soon," He turned to the group, "We will save her."

Soon Malia showed up with the rest of the group, as well as Deaton. Deaton's eyes widen at the hole in space. It didn't seem like much, it's almost like a mirror into another world. I now wonder if Alice and Wonderland was real. I shook my head to concentrate back on the task at hand. 

We soon went over what we knew to the others. We decided to allow Kira and Malia to go first into the window. Although it seemed like an odd choice. Kira has a sword and Malia...well Malia can definitely handle herself. We set our plan in motion, but we didn't really know what to expect or what this world would bring us.

~ Chris's POV ~

Elise and Lisa, ushered me into the room that I had been held in. We moved towards the other side of the room, and crouched behind the massive bed. The girls cowered and shook, and I held them as best as I could to try and comfort them. I began to whisper words of comfort and they soon calmed down.

"Miss, I don't want to die here," Elise cried out. 

"Shhh, you won't. My friends will save us," I promised.

All while my mind flashed back to the scene earlier. I know that I had a slight crush on him, but Derek. THE Derek Hale, was my mate? Is that even possible??? I'm a fae and he's a wolf. I shook my head of the thoughts. It doesn't matter, we have to find a way out of here. 

I looked to the shaking girls in my arm, and then realized something. If Colten was busy with my friends, then surely the spell on me has lessened. I moved my arm from around Elise and held it out, I used all my strength and summoned a flame. It burst out and swirled around my hand. I smiled and Lisa cried in awe. 

"Girls, do you know the way out of the castle? I think I can get us out!"

They both nodded, and then I remembered: Derek. I have to rescue him, there is so much that I need to talk to him about. If he is my mate, I definitely need to talk to him.  

"I need you to get me to Derek first. The man from earlier. Do you know where he is?"

"I do!" Elise exclaimed.

I stood, "Lead the way."

~ Meanwhile with Stiles ~

We all surrounded the entrance we found as we waited for Kira and Malia to open the door below. There was a loud commotion at first, and we were ready to send Jackson in, but soon the door opened, showing Malia without Kira. 

Malia stood there huffing, "What are you waiting for, let's go save Chris!"

As we made our way through the hallways we saw all the bodies that Malia barreled her way through. We soon came up on clinking noises, and noticed Kira fighting off a few more guards. They looked like a dark elf would in a DnD game, if I'm being honest. Armor made of a strange blackened metal. 

"Guys I could use a little help!" Kira grunted.

The twins and Jackson set off fighting the oncoming guards. Scott, Lydia, Malia and I went forward avoiding the fight as much as possible. Soon we arrived in what looked to be a medieval court room, with a man or I guess fae sitting on the throne. 

"It took you long enough," he smirked, "But I have to say that I expected a little bit more than this, to stop me."

"Give us Chris!"

He chuckled darkly, "I'm afraid my bride will not be coming with you pathetic people."

I heard growls from either side of me, and Lydia getting ready to scream at will. What I couldn't understand was why he was alone. I looked around us only to see an army coming from the shadows. 


They looked to me and then where I was pointing. Their eyes widening at the sight of the growing army. I looked towards Lydia and it seemed like she read my mind. She moved towards the center, in front of me, Scott and Malia on either sides. She waited until they all came from the shadows. I looked towards Colten, and he quirked his eyebrow up in curiosity. As soon as they were all in the room, the others ran in and Lydia let an ear-piecing scream.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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