Ch. 8 Surprise

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I groggily woke up to the sun in my face. I glanced around at my now furnished loft. It exuded the sense of home and safety, but that might only be because Allison, Kira, and Lydia have been taking me house shopping ever since I got to know them. Stiles has also added his dorky touch to it all, but what really makes me feel safe is that there is a wolf in loft across from me. I sat up from my bed and grabbed my phone from my side table. The clock read 7:50 a.m. I groaned and slumped back down on my bed. I still hated getting up early, but having gotten up around the same time every day for my classes, has made my internal body clock awaken me earlier, even on my off days. This day being one, although I can't remember what for. But nonetheless I was quite happy about it.

I finally managed to drag myself from my very comfortable bed 10 minutes later. I trudged downstairs clad in my sweat pants and large Nickleback band t-shirt. I looked at the sun already high above the horizon through the large window, now reflecting the sunlight onto the floor of my loft. I grabbed my laptop and worked on future assignments, considering I'm not the type of person to just laze about. I finished faster than I thought I would, so I decided to practice some of my "parlor tricks".

Over the last few weeks I've been able to control earth and water quite well so far, but I have just started to develop control over wind. I placed a couple pieces of paper on the coffee table, in the middle of my loft, and stepped back, all the way to the door. I breathed in and out slowly letting the air around me encircle my form. I slowly brought my arm up with the palm of my hand facing the papers. Suddenly a small blast of wind rushed towards the paper and blew them off the table.


My phone went off notifying me that I had a text. I glanced down at it. It was from Lydia.

Lydia: Happy Birthday girly!
Me: Wow, I totally forgot what today was. Thanks! :)
Lydia: OK, you seriously need a day out of your loft and away from your work.
Me: What are you talking about?! May I remind you that YOU, Allison, and Kira have dragged me to all the stores in Beacon Hills.
Lydia: Not that, I mean like a party.
Me: A party? What for?
Lydia: You of course! You know for someone as intelligent as you, you sure aren't that bright.
Me: Well, that's not exactly what I mean. I'm trying to say what's the point?
Lydia: To let loose and have fun, what else?
Me: OK, but on such a short notice I don't think we'll be able to pull it off.
Lydia: You are talking to the Queen of parties. I'll be over in an hour with everything you need.
Me: Lydia can we just keep it to the people I know. Just the pack, OK.
Lydia: Ugh, fine.
Me: Thanks, <3 you! ;)

I set down my phone, and in a flash I realized that Lydia was coming over and was about to plan a party in my loft, and I was still in my pjs. I dashed to my bathroom and quickly took a shower. After, I picked out a short white, flowing skirt, a dark blue, floral designed shirt- that showed off some of my shoulders- and golden sandals, with intricate designs on them. As for my hair, I blow dried it, and put it up in a tight bun, with two braids on each side of my head connecting in the middle. To hold the braids in place I placed a golden clover hairpins that made it look as if the braids blended into my bun. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave a little twirl.


That must be Lydia. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. Wow, I can't believe I spent an hour on just my look. I've never done that before, but then again this is the first time I can actually say that I have friends, despite my doubts from time to time. I opened the door and there stood Stiles looking a bit snazzier than usual.

"Wow, don't you clean up nicely," I pointed out.

He smiled wide, "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself birthday girl."

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