Ch. 16 No Control

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My eyes opened slowly to reveal a surreal looking castle. This can't be, but how? Why? I shifted my head, but I could hardly move my body. I only had enough power to move my head from side to side. I saw that I was lying in a bed that looked like it was meant for 7 people, but no where did I see restraints anywhere on my body. I tried to move, but my body was pinned down by some magical force, I'm sure of it.

"Ah, I see that you're awake. I've been waiting for my bride to awaken," a man who looked, quite handsome with his beady black eyes, platinum blonde hair, and pale muscular body.

"Wh-who are you?" I stuttered out the question.

"Oh, surely you haven't forgotten your fiance, my dear Chrissy," he said lowly, as if toying with me.

"Chrissy..." my eyes widened when I realized who he was. "Colten."

"So you do remember me!" he exclaimed in mock awe.

"Colten I-we-you... The engagement... Colten you know I can't marry you. The treaty was already broken you can't expect me to still marry you!"

"Oh, but you see I can do whatever I want. The high council did not just up and eradicate the treaty just because your parents decided that their precious little daughter wasn't about to be engaged to a dark fae. No you see, your parents just never followed the treaty, but it still stands."

I quickly fell silent. I had forgotten that Colten was a dark fairy, technically he was prince of the Buggars, but still fae none the less. What I have heard from the folk lore, is that buggars take up a household just to take pleasure in watching it crumble and go up in flames. That's why they are known as dark fae. The treaty was placed there to protect the light fae from getting hurt. It states that the one to get married to the dark fae royal, will be the "chosen one" from the light fae. I'm broken out of my thoughts as I feel the bed sink, as Colten sits down.

"What do you plan to do about it? How do you plan to make it up to me," his voice had gone down an octave, but I had enough common sense to know what he was suggesting.

"How about I give you smack upside the head and you let me go?" I suggested sarcastically. Wrong move, he harshly growled in response.

Colten crawled up to my form, from the edge he had once sat on. The force that had once pinned my body down was gone, but my body moved on its own, without my consent. I began to slowly take off my tank top. My eyes widened when I realized he had me under some kind of spell. A spell that was far more powerful than any of the things I have accomplished with my power. I threw my tank on to the ground and in its wake was my dark black bra and sweats. By this time Colten had been at my side just simply enjoying the sight of my misery of not being in control of my body.

"My, didn't you grow up to be beautiful," he took my body in with lust filled eyes.

"Well what are you waiting for!" I spat.

He grinned wickedly, and slowly straddled me. I was surprised that he hadn't snapped back at my comment, but what surprised me even more is the next thing he did. He brought his lips crashing down on mine roughly, but at the same time filled with need. Despite the spell, I wasn't going to allow him the satisfaction of kissing back. Even still, the kiss lasted for a long time, but soon Colten pulled away for a breath of air, before moving his hands down my body and until he found my hips. There he tugged down my sweats, leaving me in nothing but my underwear and bra. After throwing my sweats to who knows where he began to kiss down my jaw and slowly made his way to the sweet spot between my neck and shoulder. I bit my lip to not let out a moan. Colten stopped, as soon as I began to draw blood. 

"You can hold back all you want, but sooner or later I will get what I want. Whether you like it or not, that sweet innocence of yours will be mine," he smirked and and got off the bed.

I prayed that Derek and the pack would find me soon, before that ever happened.

~Derek's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly, my head was slightly throbbing, but then I remembered. Something hit me over the head, and knocked me out. I was in Chris' apartment, trying to come up with a plan to get her back. But before I could I was kidnapped.

"I see you have awaken, mister wolf," a girl, that barely looked at least 10 walked into the room. She wore small puffed out black dress, with silver flats, and a red and gold, tiny top hat.

"Where am I?" I groggily ask.

"Your in the castle of Lord Drake. It seems you hold importance to him," she said in a sickly sweet voice.

Importance...? "Where exactly is this castle of his?"

"It's in the ethereal world of course, where all fae live," she answered bluntly.

"Ethereal world?"

"Yes, it is a world that is separate from your own. You could say it's like another dimension."

"That is quite enough Elise. I think our guest here has gotten all the information he needs," came a voice from the shadows. It was one that was dark and held great power.

"Yes my Lord," she bowed.

Out of the shadows came a man, who looked around my age, he wore a dark grey tank top, dark black skinny jeans, and boots. His platinum blonde hair was short and brushed of to the side to form bangs. His eyes black and beady, yet full of mischief and lust for power. I could already sense the waves of powerful energy or magic that radiated from him. I know he is a force that I could not take down on my own with out everyone here. They need to find me and fast.

"Derek, right? Do you know why you're here, in my humble abode?" he said in an almost mocking voice. Just then I caught a scent of Chris off of him.

"Where is she?" I growled. My eyes glowed blue as my claws teared away at the gloves on my hands. My fangs grew in place, sharp and full.

"Where is who?" He asked teasingly.

"You know who! Now where is she?!"

"Oh, you mean your little mate," that particular word struck a cord in me. "She is being held in another room, that you don't really need to know about. At least not until the time is right anyway."

He called her my mate, and I was taken aback. I reverted back to my normal form, and stared at the ground. Is that why I felt so strong about her? I couldn't have? Did I mark her without me knowing? Is that why I can't be without her. That would make so much sense. I was snapped out of my thoughts by "Lord Drake" clearing his throat.

"If you are done day dreaming, I'll be leaving to attend some important business," he said nonchalantly.

"You better not touch her!"

"My dear boy it's bit too late for that," he guffawed.

"No..." I mumbled.

"Oh, yes!" he exclaimed, before laughing manically and leaving my prison.

I need to get to her somehow.

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