Ch. 17 Finding Hope

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~No One's POV~

The pack was sitting in Chris' loft, with Deaton. Everyone was extremely worried for Chris, and now Derek. He disappeared soon after her. No one could find them, it was like all trace of them just vanished. Scott and Stiles were perhaps the most worried. They knew they had no chance with Chris, but that didn't stop them from caring deeply about her. And they knew that Derek felt very strongly about her as well, and the fact that he was also gone didn't help the situation they were in. Deaton had finally come to tell the pack what he had found.

Deaton began, "Their true name is Fae. From what I have gathered there is both a Dark and Light Fae. Amongst the Light Fae their is the royal family who birth a Fae dubbed the 'Chosen One'. Apparently the 'Chosen One' is the only Fae in the entire Fae Realm that is able to wield all four elements and possesses a power greater than most. Long ago the Original 'Chosen One' to keep the piece between the Dark and Light Fae she made a treaty stating that the next 'Chosen One' would marry the the next royal Dark Fae, therefore passing on their gifts to their child, the next 'Chosen One'. It also stated that no matter what the 'family', that has formed, will stay within the walls of the Light Fae Kingdom."

"That's great and all, but what can we do with that. Both Chris and Derek are gone and though it's only been a couple days, there has been no trace of them in Beacon Hill. How does that information help us?" Aiden questioned.

"I was getting their. I also found that there are portals around the world that allow Fae to slip in and out of their world into ours easily-" Deaton began.

"And because they've been missing only a couple a days without a trace there has to be a portal nearby," Lydia interrupted.

"Exactly. And I just so happened to come across a potion that will lead us straight to it. Along with this book my sister handed me on portals," Deaton began again. "Derek's family vault should have most of the ingredients we need. Stormvine, Heartblossom, and rare type of Amethyst Crystal Stone. Scott, I need you to go over there and get those ingredients. Allison I need your father's map, Wolfs bane, and Silver from you."

Scott then took charge, "Allison and Isaac go get the items required from you. Stiles and Lydia I need you out there searching for anything and everything," he tosses the book Deaton had. "Read up Stiles. Jackson and the twins stick with them I don't know what that monster might have planned. Erica and Boyd stick with me, we're going to my Derek's family's vault. Kira and Malia stay with Deaton here and wait till everyone gets back with the needed supplies to make the potion."

~Chris' POV~

I shuddered from the lack of heat in the room. I dare not even think of going onto the bed where he- no he is just taunting me that's all, but even then I can't take much of it.

"Derek, I need you," I whisper to no one.

The door creaks open to my room and followed by a little girl with a white puffed out dress, with gold flats, and a blue and silver tiny top hat. She looked so young, I don't even want to think about why Colten has such a young girl here. I don't understand how Colten could've turned out like this. If my memories are right, Colten was a sweet little boy I was to be wed to. His parents had arranged a play date one day, and that's when we found that neither of us truly wanted to marry the other even though we were so young and naive back then.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, "My Lady, Lord Drake wishes that you will join him for dinner."

My eyes widen a bit. "Who, does he think he is?!" I mutter to myself.

"I'm sorry My Lady," she bowed her head in a sorrowful way.

"No, this isn't your fault. I'm sure he has something over you, too," I look upon her with empathetic eyes.

She simply nods, "What is your name?"

She looks shocked for a bit before answering shyly, "L-lisa, " she hesitates before she continues. "Me and my twin sister Elise are here because Colten has our elder brother Draco held prisoner."

"Are you light or dark?"

Again she is taken back by my question, "L-light..."

"I see. I would've liked to meet your family in another circumstance, but it seems that it was not meant to be a such. Rest assure when my friends figure out away to rescue me I'll free you, too."

She just stares at me with a small smile and hopeful eyes. I can't help, but to go to her and embrace her tight. She is so cute. She gives a deep sigh of content. Everything in her relaxes, I can tell she has been worrying since the day she set foot into this castle to rescue her brother. She's been through a lot for someone so young. Her and her sister both.

"I promise. I'll come down to diner so you won't get in trouble. I'll ask Colten if you can be my personal maid, if you would like."

She just beamed at me like a kid at a candy store. Derek I know you'll find me.

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