Ch. 5 Nightmares

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It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. My body felt like lead as I laid on the hard ground, so much so that I couldn't stand. Water was trickling somewhere in the distance as the sound seemed to resonate in the bleak setting. I could feel the damp, wet earth underneath me. I tried to lift myself up to stand, but my arms gave in from under me. Footsteps were heard in the distance walking in my direction. I tilted my head slightly to see a dark, shadowed figure heading my way. The apparent, near by water found its way to my motionless body and made a weak barrier around my form. As the figure came closer the earth, from underneath me, slithered up the water and formed a second defense. The figure now stood right in front of me. I couldn't see the figure's face, but I did see that the person was holding something. The person lifted the object above their head and swung it down towards my cowering body-

I shot straight out of bed gasping. My heart was beating too fast for me to realize that I had broken out into a cold sweat. I took long short breaths trying to get my breathing back to normal. Once I gained my bearings I looked at my surroundings to see that I had kicked off most of the pillows I had on my bed, until I actual put sheets and what not on. The blankets I had were discarded onto the floor in a scattered fashion. I took my phone off of the side table and checked the time: 4:00 a.m. Damn, well after having a dream like that there is no way I am going back to sleep anytime soon.

I got up and got ready, picking up all the pillows and blankets on the floor while I was at it. I headed down stairs as soon as I was done. I went to the kitchen counter where my computer lye to start on the agenda for the next day of school. After I had finished the time read only 5:00, so I got up and went to go unpack a few of the boxes I had left lying in the center of the loft. After what felt like hours, I had managed to unpack at least 3 of my main boxes: kitchen, clothes, and bathroom. When I glanced at the clock only 10 minutes had gone by. No way, that can't be possible. I couldn't have possibly done that in 10 minutes.

I felt a pair of eyes on me. I lifted my gaze to the window only to see Derek, in his own loft, staring back at me. His eyes were wide in surprise, but his body was lax. I waved hello and mouthed, 'Good Morning'. He gave me a nod and walked out of sight. I still had about an hour or so, before I was actually suppose to get to school. I decided that I might as well go out and get some breakfast before I made my way out. I mean I might get lost...again, and I don't want to ask for help anymore than I already have. A soft knock came from my door as I was packing up my stuff into my messenger bag.

I turned my head and shouted, "Just a minute!"

The knocks ceased. After I finished packing up my laptop and binder, filled with assignments, I walk to the door and open it slightly only to see a straight faced Derek, with his arms crossed of course. I opened the door completely to him. He glanced at me with an odd look, as if trying to inspect my body for some abnormality. Did I have something on my face or? If he was going to just stare why doesn't he take a picture, it'll last longer.

"You know staring isn't nice, right?" I laughed.

"So is keeping secrets," he retorted.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"I saw you," he began, "It was like you were flittering around at a super fast speed."

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about," I answered seriously.

"You can't control it," he mumbled. "Quite beautiful I might add." He whispered to himself, so I couldn't hear him.

"Well that ability sounds interesting. But do you think we can we talk about this later I would like to talk to Deaton again to see if he found something out."


"I really gotta go, though, cause I kinda need to get breakfast before I head to the school."

"Want me to drive you."

"Thank you, but no. I actually want to be able to get lunch from some place other than the cafeteria."

"OK, how about I go with you then."

"And what be my watch dog? No thank you."

"I meant, to show you around," he said bluntly.

I hummed before nodding my head in agreement. I felt like I should keep my guard up, especially after that dream. I felt a little uneasy. Although from what I've seen thus far from Derek it seems like he's a secret teddy bear. And Scott? I mean he seems like a great guy and all, but I don't know a thing about him. Didn't Derek say something about a pack? How many are there? And what about Deaton? Can I really trust any of these people? Although I've never been truly alone, I've always had my guard up making sure no one could hurt me. My head pounded out the words: Don't trust them. But my heart told me I should.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I pulled up to the cafe Derek had showed me yesterday. We got out and went in to order some coffee. He had straight black, while I had a latte. I also ordered a chocolate bear claw with it. After we got our orders we went straight to the school. It was only 6:00 and a few students were already on campus. I headed straight towards the entrance. I assumed Derek was behind me so I continued to walk in the direction I thought my room was. That is, until a pair of arms landed on my shoulder and guided me in the opposite direction. Wow, I really need to work on memorizing these hallways! They all look the same!

We arrived in front of my classroom door and I rummaged through my bag for the key the lady from the front desk had given to me before I had left school the other day. Once I had found it I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

I put my stuff down and turned around, "So, Derek now that you're kind of stranded at this school today, do you mind being my little assistant?"

He raised his eyebrows at the word 'little', but heaved a sigh and nodded his head.

"Great!" I clasped my hands together. "Just go to the office and get a little visitors' or helpers' pass and we can get started."

He hesitated at first, but he soon left to go get the pass. I got set up for today's classes. In mythology we were going deeper into Greek history so I had a handout that I needed photo copied. For Physics we were still working on the basics before any of the hardcore stuff, so I had another worksheet that needed to be copied, too. I soon heard grumbling down the hall and automatically assumed it was Derek. It was already 6:20 when Derek stepped back into the room looking all helpful with his helpers' pass. Ha, who am I kidding he looks like he was gonna bust a wall or something.

"Great your back!" I said cheerfully, "I need you to go photo copy these two worksheets." I handed him the papers. "Make me like 100 copies or so if each, my first class starts in 25 minutes. Considering it's mythology you might wanna start with that one."

He grumbled again before walking out the door. Soon enough the bell rang and students filled up my classroom. Once the late bell rang Derek had come back with the copies.

"Alright then. Second day, who's excited for some more mythology?" Everyone groans.

"Oh, come on it hasn't been that bad has it? Besides I got a helper today I'm sure the ladies would like," I gestured towards Derek, as he folds his arms over each other as he scowled at the class. The girls on the other hand were pretty much swooning.

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