Ch. 13 Keeping To Myself

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It has been a couple weeks since I got my wings. They've been really annoying because they have never gone away...ever. Luckily for me when Stiles saw me he said that he didn't see anything. I then assumed that only supernatural creatures could see them, so everything has gone good thus far. Besides my wings, my memories from when I was little have returned and are continually playing over and over in my head. I feel as if they are trying to warn me that something is coming or rather someone. Unfortunately, I haven't talked to anyone about said memories since the event. I really haven't talked to anyone lately. I've completely shut everyone out, even Derek.

I've been thinking a lot lately and I don't want to let anyone get jumbled up in darkness that seems to be surrounding my life. It's hard enough as it is for myself to decipher my own memories, especially with this looming darkness that seems to present. I don't want to put them in any unnecessary danger, when they don't have to be. They shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff, at least not from me. From what they have told me about their lives it already seems that they have enough to deal with.

Don't get me wrong I love them for their worrying, and I respect them for all that they can handle, but I believe that this challenge is best left up to me. So far, from what I can gather is that the dark figure didn't want any of the fairies in the human world to be allowed to live with a door to another realm in their grasp. And considering my parents had just that they were just another target.

I did a lot of research on local fires during that time, and it seems there happened to be many. I figure that even more of my kind had been hunted down and sought after. It seems as if the dark figure is protecting something, or it could be that it wants something from the other realm? That's the part I can't seem to figure out. All I really know for sure is that whoever they are, they are not friendly.


"Mommy! Daddy! Where are you!" I cried with tears streaming down my cheeks.

I was playing out in the forest, admiring the nature around me. But once I noticed the fire, I ran back home. Once I saw the lights twinkling in the air, my heart beat faster in fear that the worst had happened. I needed to get to the portal, within the house that lead to the fairy realm. If there was any place my parents would be it would be on the other side. When I ran to the ball room I took one of the candle stick holders and pulled. Soon a secret entrance opened. The flowers my mother hand planted and the roots of the trees my father grew, were now in flames. The lights twinkled brighter as they floated all around. The lights indicated that fae had died, and that the magic within them was slowly leaving them.

A dark figure lurked from within the passageway, and it caught me by surprise that someone else was inside. I backed away eyes wide with fear, as I turned and ran. I was a sobbing mess by that point. The lights that had once floated above were now nestling on my body, my magic gaining a little bit more power than before. The process felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulder and I felt at peace, I know the spirit of faes can never truly die. Then something hit me on the head and the darkness soon caught up with me. When I woke I was in a white bed, in a white room, the hospital. Just then a doctor came in and noticed that I was awake.

"Hey sweetheart you bumped your head pretty hard there didn't ya," the doctor tried to ease my tension.

I nodded my head slowly. "So kiddo, do you know what happened to your parents?"

I shook my head no. "Do you have a name at least?"

"Chris, Chris Tate." I mumbled.

~End Flashback~

It was hard for me to swallow the possibility that my parents might be alive in some other universe, or dead in this one. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a noise coming from the other side of my loft. I went to go inspect it only to come across two figures. Once I figured out that it was only Derek and Scott trying to break into my apartment, I became I bit confused as to why they used the window in the middle of the night instead of knocking on my door. I stood there tapping my foot as they climbed in completely.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked them a little agitated.

They both looked at me eyes wide with surprise that they had been caught. "We wanted to see you," they said in unison.

"And was there any particular reason why the door wouldn't have worked for the two of you?" I demanded.

They both looked down and I started to get a bit irritated, but I let it slide for now. I really didn't want them to be here, so I quickly ushered them out of my loft space, and into the hallway of the building. Once they were both outside of my loft I grabbed the door and was about to throw it shut.

"Chris wa-" they said in unison before I had closed the door in their faces.

Once I had them both outside I went and locked every possible entrance into my loft, I had even bought curtains a few days ago for the huge window in the middle of the loft. I was completely sealed in and shut off from everyone. No one was coming in or out. I needed the time to think about what my memories meant before venturing to tell anyone.

Just then my lights went out. My blood ran cold as my heart stopped beating for a millisecond. Maybe it's just the boys pulling a prank trying to get me out of my loft. A dark presence loomed behind me. I slowly turned around to be met by the dark figure from my memories, his form swimming in the shadows, although he seemed taller. He stalked closer to me and I froze in fear. My body didn't want to listen to my brain telling me to run as the masked man walked closer.

Suddenly there was banging on the door before it was broken open. There stood Derek and Scott looking extremely worried. I soon snapped out of my daze realizing the figure was gone. I composed myself into a stance that exuded calmness, so they wouldn't suspect the underlying fear that shrouded my thoughts.

"Did you guys just break my door?" I asked a little agitated at the sight before me. "First it's breaking and entering and now it's destruction of property. Damn, you're both lucky I'm not some stranger to you two or else you would both have your asses handed to you in court."

Scott let out a nervous laugh before Derek spoke up, "We saw all the lights go off in the neighborhood and thought something might have happened to you."

"Well as you can see I'm perfectly fine," I lied with a tranquil beating heart. "It was probably some prankster who thought it would be funny to scare their neighbors or it was just an average everyday power outage."

A moment of silence passed before I sighed and shooed them out of my loft. "You guys can leave now."

"Will you be alright?" Derek asked worry lacing his words.

"What am I five? Of course I will. I'm a big girl Derek, can you please stop treating me like I'm some kind of china doll. You too Scott." I became serious. "Ever since that incident everyone has been treating me like I might break. Well I'm not, so can you all just calm the fuck down!"

I realized I was fuming because the volume of my voice not only surprised the boys, but myself as well. I looked down at the ground and when I looked back up Derek was pushing Scott out my broken door. I could hear his mumbled apologies about the door. I groaned in frustration before using a little bit of my magic to fix the door. You'd be surprised at all the spells I remember from when I was a kid. I glanced at my clock realizing it was late. I went to bed only to stare at the ceiling before drifting off to sleep.

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