Ch. 4 How is that possible?

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"Scott has told me quite a few details about you Chris," Deaton stated. "Shall we get started then."

"I guess, but I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to do so that you can identify what the heck I am," I replied. 

"Well, from what Scott has explained it seems your powers derive from your sense of fear. It acts as a protective shield," Deaton began.

"Oh, well then what are we going to do now? I mean this room isn't exactly very intimidating," I replied sarcastically.

"Well that's where Scott comes in. He'll use his powers to scare you and if that doesn't work I think we might have to call in the back up."

"OK, but I'm not exactly scared of-"


I stared wide eyed in Scott's direction. All I saw were his glowing red eyes staring, somewhat, menacingly at my own. As his eyes glowed, my now silvery ones glanced at the glowing figure, behind him, to see it was much bigger than last time, and it surrounded him in a threatening manner. I looked over to where I thought Derek and Deaton were, but they were no where to be seen. I looked back at Scott just as he started to approach me. I scooted around the table to create some distance, but soon Scott grabbed the cool metal and flung it to the other side of the room. By this point I was beyond scared and I was freaking out more than the first time I saw his transformation.

There was a water bottle on the counter, that suddenly burst open as the water rushed towards Scott. It hit him dead on slamming him into the wall. The water then froze, leaving Scott stuck to the wall. I tried to calm myself down, knowing that Scott won't actually try to hurt me. I began to relax. I began to relax. The ice that layered Scott began to thaw and soon Scott was breaking free. I walked towards him with wondering eyes.

He moved is eyes onto my form walking towards him. "Grrrr! Stay away!"

"It's OK, I know you won't hurt me."

"You don't even know me," he spat. Scott growled and then howled angrily.

I stumbled back in surprise. Fear coursed through my veins. He wouldn't hurt me, would he? Doubt clouded my mind and soon one of the containers on Deaton's counter tipped over spilling what appeared to be a black and grainy substance. It made its way towards me and swirled around my form protectively. It threaded through my fingers and played with my hair. To be honest it felt safe and somewhat like home. Scott growled once more and my eyes found his glowing again. Mine glowed in turn and the sand like substance made its way into a circle around Scott.

Scott's glowing figure was subdued, and his claws and fangs we're gone. He looked at me out of concern and reviewed the entirety of my body to see if I was hurt. The figure around him mirrored his actions and looked at me with guilt. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. How did I do that?

"Well, I certainly did not expect that to happen." I jumped when I heard Deaton's voice.

"Expect what to happen?" I asked.

"Let me explain. I gave Scott a drug that would allow him to tap into his primal instincts so that he wouldn't be able to control his abilities. Luckily for you, your powers kicked in to save you. By the way you controlled the mountain ash and the water I would assume that you are able to control all the elements, but we would have to do more tests. What I hadn't expected was for you to actually be able to control the mountain ash." Deaton told me.

"Why not? Is there something special about it?" I inquired.

"Well typically mountain ash is supposed to trap a supernatural creature or often times keep them out or in your case in one place. Considering I have seen nothing in my family's beastiary about a creature that could manipulate mountain ash, I don't think your something anyone has ever seen before," Derek interjected.

"What the hell is a bestiary?"

"We'll explain that later, for right now I need you tell me about yourself," Deaton demanded.

I told him my, what most people would call a "sad and depressing" past. When I was done he looked unphased, but Derek and Scott looked both sympathetic and pained. Deaton looked me over from head to toe examining me, watching my every movement.

"You're leaving something out," he quipped.

"No I'm not. I think I would remember what happened to me, after the accident I mean."

"No...there's something," he pushed on.

"Look I told you about my past, what more do you want?"

"What do you see when you look at me?" he asked all of a sudden.


"What do you-"

I interrupted him, "I see nothing, but you."

"How about Scott?" he asked still watching me carefully.

I laid my gaze onto Scott's form and instantly dart my eyes towards the glowing figure. It was looking at me curiously as if to say "You see me?". Deaton looked to where I was staring and then back at me. I kept my gaze on the figure till Scott himself shifted to look at what I was staring at. I snapped out of my trance, I didn't know I was in, and stared at Deaton.

"You see it don't you?" Deaton commented.

"What, do you mean the glowing figures?"

"You mentioned that earlier. What do you mean?" Derek butted in.

"She is able to see supernatural auras." Deaton answered for me.

"That's what they are? For most of my life I've just been calling them glowing figures."

Scott gave me a "Really" look. "What? I didn't know what they were." He rolled his eyes.

I glanced at the clock realizing that it was late. "I should really go, I have to prepare my lesson plan for tomorrow, and everything." I looked down at the ground awkwardly.

"I'll take you home," both Scott and Derek said.

"It's OK Scott, Derek's my neighbor he can take me."

Scott looked at me with worry, "Oh, OK."

Derek took me home and walked me to my door. I opened the door and looked back giving Derek a smile. He stared at me before giving me a half smile. He left thereafter. I walked towards the kitchen to sit down where my lap top had been. An hour later I finished up my itinerary for tomorrow's classes. I glanced out the window and found a pair of familiar hazel eyes watching me. I waved and mouthed the words "night" before I headed up the stairs towards my bed. I changed into shorts and a really big band t-shirt before climbing into my comfy bed. I stared at the ceiling thinking of the events that occurred earlier and I allowed my mine to slip from reality to world of dreams.

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