Ch. 12 Wings

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I woke with a start as I heard muffled voices. I was hidden in a golden light, but then I realized it wasn't light it was a hard crystal substance surrounding my entire form. I began to panic and I started to pound on the crystal. I could see figures rush to the side of the shell. I started to shout for help. The figures began to talk, but I could barely hear them. I assumed that they were trying to calm me down, so I slowed my breathing to get my heart rate back to normal. I tried to focus on the voices, I could only barely make out the sounds of Derek, Stiles, and Lydia. I soon realized that it was the pack. They'll figure out something, they have to.

~Derek's POV~

Deaton finally arrived, and Stiles soon bombarded him with questions. Deaton took a look at Chris' state. We informed him that she has woken up inside of the "cocoon", as everyone has decided to call it.

"It definitely looks as if it is a cocoon, but this substance that surrounds her is a crystal that I don't even think exists. I need to take a sample and analyze it. For now all you can do is wait," Deaton stated. "If it is a cocoon it might mean that her powers are changing into something stronger than before. I strongly warn you to be cautious of what might come out."

"What, are you saying she's going to become some demonic butterfly?" Stiles asked.

Deaton looked at him seriously, "No I mean that their is a possibility that whoever or whatever comes out of that cocoon might not even be Chris."

"But there is a chance that she'll be fine right?" Scott inquired worriedly.

"Yes, but just be prepared for the worst. Don't get your hopes up," Deaton commented. He left soon after with the sample.

"Don't worry Scott, she's a fighter she'll be fine," Allison reassured.

"I hope your right," he mumbled.

I looked over at Lydia who just stared into the crystal, as if intently listening to everything around her. I wonder if she can hear her in there? I looked back at the crystal to see movement. What am I supposed to do? Wait? There has to be something- Just then Lydia walked up to me grabbing my hand. I roughly brought my hand out of her reach. I stepped back and glared a bit.

"What?" I demanded harshly.

"Calm down Derek she was just trying to show you something," Aiden defended her.

"Like what?" I spat getting a little agitated.

Lydia grabbed my other hand and I complied, to see if what she was going to show me is something of importance. She led me to Chris' trapped form, placing my hand on top of the hard rock like substance. I looked at her puzzled. The word that she said next surprised me even further.


"Excuse me?" I asked still confused.

She gave me a blank stare before I complied with her request. She then brought my claws to the crystal at which the crystal was no longer crystal. It rippled like water around my claws. As they sunk in completely, my eyes fell shut.

~Chris' POV~

Something began to happen to the upper right of this weird pod thing. I sat up as it started to drip slowly like syrup, slow and sticky. The substance dropped onto my hand and was immediately absorbed. It was a strange sensation, but it felt soothing. More drops came and more drops were absorbed. My eyes became heavy, and I began to fall asleep.

When I opened my eyes again I was in a white room. There seemed to be a figure on the other side. I took one step forward and suddenly I was right behind... Derek? What is he doing here? Where am I?

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