Ch. 6 The Sourwolf and Friends

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Already a half hour into first period and Scott was already giving me weird looks. Derek was off in the corner trying to avoid all of the girls' gazes. The boys were all staring at me, but weren't exactly paying attention. Lydia was probably the only that was actually paying attention to the lesson. I was explaining the beliefs of the ancient Greeks.

"OK class you should all have a worksheet on your desk that explains your very first project. Now don't worry it won't be due for a couple of weeks, but there is a lot of research required for it, so I recommend that you start sooner rather than later." The class sighed.

I walked over to Derek, "Hey do you mind going to the lab and setting up for the Physics lab next period? I already have all the supplies for the lab and instructions are on the table when you get there. Besides, your kind of distracting all the girls." The girls continued to swoon.

"You're the one who asked for my help," he sneered.

I glared, "I didn't realize that half my class would be falling head over heels for you. Now please go set up."


"Thank you," I huffed.

After he walked out of the room the girls turned their attention to me and started asking questions. Specifically: "Was that your boyfriend?"

"Oh no. He is as single as well...a single person can be."

"So he's free?" One of my students questions.

"Yes, but he is also an adult and you're a teenager. So I suggest you think twice."

"We were just curious Miss Tate, " another girl spoke up.

"Right...OK enough with the dating talk. Please take a look at your project assignment. Now, I will allow partners, but if you wish to work alone you may. You will need to pick a Greek god of your choosing and sign up in the upcoming days. Now it's first come first serve, so I recommend that you have a back up plan in case you don't get your first choice. That is your assignment for the weekend and I expect sign ups starting next week. I also expect some initial research, which I will be checking next week on Thursday." The class groaned.


"Alright have a nice weekend," I dismissed them.

Derek walked back in just as my next class was entering. I handed him the copies he made for my physics class. The bell rang again and all my students took their seats. Derek made his way around the class handing out the assignment. I started putting up the main equations we would be using in the lab after I had erased the diagram of the the Greek gods. Derek returned to his corner when I finished putting up all the equations. I gave them a few pre-lab questions before we headed towards the lab room, which Derek had to lead me to.

~Time Skip~

Lunch was approaching fast and I saw the kids in my fifth period class had gotten a bit restless as the minutes ticked away till the bell rang. They really only needed to wait one more minute.

"Alright class if you haven't turned in your conclusion for the mini lab please do so before you leave class."

Derek was sitting at my desk scrolling through my laptop, while I stood and erased the board. As soon as the bell rang all my students were out the door and their assignments on my desk. I turned to look at my desk filled with papers, one pile mythology and the other physics. I groaned realizing I had to correct them all over the weekend. I turned to Derek and saw he was just staring at me, again. His gaze shifted towards the door. I glanced over my shoulder to see Scott and Stiles outside of the doorway.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" I asked.

"Umm, we were wondering if you wanted to get some lunch with us, off campus that is," Stiles asked.

"Oh, we were just about to go out and get something to eat. I would like that very much if we could join you I mean if you don't mind a teacher hanging out with you? Where did you wanna go?" I answered.

"It's cool. We were thinking pizza. There's a small pizza parlor near by," Scott put in.

"Sure, let me grab my keys and my wallet and I'll meet you in the parking lot," I told them.

"OK," they both answered.

I glanced over at Derek who was just sitting there looking at me. I grabbed my car keys and wallet from my bag under my desk.

"Well are you coming?" I ask Derek as I walk to the door.

He grabbed my wrist shortly after. "You don't have to force yourself."

"What are you talking about now?" I say a bit worried.

"I can smell it on you, doubt and...fear."

"What?" I all but whispered out.

"You're scared aren't you?"

"I'm not. Let's just drop it," I looked away.

Derek sighed, "OK. Let's go."

~Scott's POV~

Chris was taking a long time just to get her keys and wallet. She was still with Derek, too. After that whole thing with the Alpha pack I've been very weary about what goes through his head.

I turned to Stiles, "I'm gonna go see what's taking them so long."

"OK sure, just leave me all by myself in the parking lot. I don't mind," he retorted sarcastically.

"Just stay here." I walked back to the school.

I made my way down to Chris' classroom. I picked up on her and Derek's conversation as I got closer.

"You don't have to force yourself," Derek told her.

"What are you talking about now?" She said a bit worried.

"I can smell it on you, doubt and...fear," he hesitated.

"What?" She whispered.

"You're scared aren't you?" He questioned.

"I'm not. Let's just drop it," she spoke automatically.

I peeked around the door frame and saw Derek holding Chris' wrist. He was trying to look into her eyes, but she was looking away.

He sighed, "Let's go."

I started walking back down the hall once at the end I turned back around. They'll probably think I was just coming to get them, right? I saw them exit her classroom and walked over to them.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?" I asked.

"Oh, well I was just telling Derek what I needed him to do for my last class of the day," she lied, though her heart was steady. "That reminds me, do you think that you can come over tonight and we can head over to Deaton's to see if he found out anything?"

"Sure thing. I'll stop by at around ten to eight, OK?" I answered.

"Alright then, how bout that pizza?" She clasped her hands together.

What could she be afraid of? I started to trail behind them, in thought. Derek had to keep turning her in the right direction, though. Wow, who would've thought that for someone so intelligent she would have no sense of direction.

She stopped and turned around laughing a bit, "We're waiting on you now."

We had made it to the entrance to the school. Once we walked out we spotted Stiles talking to Lydia and Malia. I walked over to Stiles' jeep and Chris and Derek went off to Chris' car. As soon as I made my way over to Stiles, Lydia and Malia made their way back into the school. Stiles and I hopped into the jeep, and then took off. It was a silent ride, but I could tell that Stiles was unnerved about the whole Chris situation. He knows I'm keeping something from him, but I just can't tell him everything on this one. After hearing her story I thought I would keep it between me, Deaton, Derek, and her. We arrived at the pizza parlor with her and Derek waiting.

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