Ch. 7 Strange Feelings

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Weeks have gone by since I've been in Beacon Hills. It's probably around midnight and I'm just staring at my ceiling, while lying in bed. I still haven't told anyone about that nightmare, and it just seems to keep occurring every night. It also seems Deaton has been avoiding the main question: What am I? No one seems to know, not even the Argents, who I met a couple days ago, for back to school night, well Chris anyways. I wasn't that surprised that we had the same name, it's a very common first name. I have his daughter Allison in my third period physics class, and she seems like a sweet girl and Mr. Argent is a decent guy, but Derek warned me that hunters weren't exactly people supernatural creatures wanted to be friends with.


"Thanks for coming it was nice to meet you," I said to one of my student's parents.

"It was nice to meet you too, Miss Tate. I just can't believe how young you are? I wish you the best for this school year especially with our son in your class," they joked.

"Thank you and I wish you the same," I laughed.

After they left I looked around my classroom to see a couple of parents wandering about. I walked over to a man standing next to my curriculum poster. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He soon turned around. "Is there any questions you have for me, Mr. ?"

"Argent. You can can call me Chris."

"What a coincidence my name is Chris, too, but the students call me Miss Tate. So, do you have any questions? I mean Allison is a great student, her grades have never slipped once. I know physics can be a bit tough, but she has plowed through excellently."

"Oh, so your the teacher she talks about. You're very young aren't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, well I'm 20 if your wondering, but my birthday is coming up so, 21 soon."

"You must be excited," he stated.

"Well, it's on Thursday so I'll be grading and giving more assignments, so it isn't that exciting."

"That's too bad," he glanced at the clock. "Well I better be going. I hope to see you around, and hopefully not for a teacher-parent conference."

I laughed and shook his hand, "It was nice to meet you Chris."

After he left I announced that I would soon be locking up the classroom considering the event was ending soon. Once all the parents left I grabbed my bag and headed out. I took out my phone and checked the time 9:00 p.m. Wow that was longer than I had expected it to be. Don't these types of school activities only take like an hour. I honestly didn't expect it to take two.


I snapped out my thoughts and stopped walking, realizing I still didn't know my way around the school. Fuck! I'm starting to get tired of this, I should just invest in a map. Now I'm lost and there was a crash somewhere nearby. This scenario seemed similar to a horror movie, and I was the person about to be killed. Especially with the eerie shadows that loomed the now empty hallways, I began to realize how creepy the school could be in the dead of night. There was soon a hand on my shoulder and the water from a near by fountain burst out and attacked the perpetrator. I spun around only to see Mr. Argent behind me. He was soaked and on the ground.

I knelt down, "I'm so sorry! You nearly scared me half to death. Are you OK?"

He stared up at me with bewildered eyes, "I'm fine. What exactly are you?"

"Ah, I'm not entirely sure myself, but if you don't mind me asking what are you?" I said hesitantly.

"A Hunter," he answered.

"OK, so what do you hunt down the supernatural or something like that?" I questioned scooting a bit further from him.

"Something like that, but I go by a different code then most hunters."

"Code? You mean kind of like a code of honor that knights used to follow during the Dark Ages."

He stared at me, "You are surprisingly very calm about this, and you catch on quick."

He looked down at the ground, "Well Scott is going to be very disappointed that I don't know what you are. I couldn't find your abilities anywhere in the bestiary."

"That's not all surprising considering when we looked through the Hale's bestiary there wasn't anything there either."

"That's strange. Maybe no one has ever encountered a creature such as you before."

"Heh, maybe," I looked down in embarrassment and sighed, "You don't happen to know the way out of here because I'm lost...again"

He chuckled and got up offering me a hand to stand as well. I took it with great appreciation. He led me out of the school into the parking lot where we soon parted ways. I walked over to my car and rummaged through my bag for my keys. Once I found them, I felt a strange presence that made my hair stand on end. I was very alert, though to any on looker I was as calm as ever. I got into my car and headed home. Luckily, I've gotten this route memorized. I made it home by 9:30. The weird presence was still there so once I reached my building, instead of heading towards my loft, I went to Derek's.

I knocked on the door and soon enough standing there was Derek with the same stoic expression as always. I walked past and went to the couch to sit down. I kicked off my high heels, that I wore to impress the parents. I landed on the couch and sighed in content on how comfy it was. Those school events are gonna be the death of me. Derek's loft has been good to me over these weeks. It's like a second home that isn't all that far from my own. The weird presence was gone once I crossed the threshold, but it was gonna bug till I fell asleep.

Derek crossed his arms, "What do you want?"

"Oh, calm down sourwolf," I said. I thanked Stiles in my head for telling me that nick name. "I'm only here cause I felt a weird presence."

He looked off to the side in thought, then asked, "Can you still feel it?"

"No. After I came in here it vanished. I guess it doesn't like sourwolves," I joked.

"Go to your own loft then."

"Make me," I said childishly. I've had a long day and if he thinks I'm moving he's insane.

He then preceded to pick me up and threw me over his shoulder. It was actually quite comfy, a bit weird, but comfy nonetheless. He carried me all the way to my loft and set me down right in front of my door.

"There," he told me.

I suddenly yawned and got my key out my bag. Once I opened the sliding door I turned around and said goodnight to Derek. Once he left the strange presence was back so I rushed to lock my door, and went straight to bed. I didn't get much sleep, however. As the entire night I felt that there was a darkness looming over me. All I can say is that it was frightening and I did not feel safe.

~End Flashback~

That weird feeling is still there and that one particular nightmare that has been haunting me is starting to really freak me out. Nights have already started to become sleepless ones, but on the bright side I was able to practice my abilities in that free time. I even got to know Scott, Stiles and Derek a bit better. I have a long way to go though on the trusting scale, but I have at least opened up to those three. I was also able to meet and get to know Scott's little pack he has going on. They're all pretty nice, but I'm still weary.

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