Ch. 11 Cocoon

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I woke up to the smell of tea, oatmeal, and eggs. I walked downstairs with one of my fluffy blankets on my shoulders, my sweats all scrunched up, my hair in a messy bun, and a tissue box in my hand. It turns out that by over using my powers my immune systems becomes a mess. As I made my way down the stairs, on a school day may I add, was Stiles to my utter suprise.

"Stiles *cough* what are you *cough* doing here?" I tiredly asked.

"Making you breakfast. What does it look like I'm doing?" he retorted.

"Why aren't you at *cough* school?" I asked concerned.

"Derek told me you got a fever after I brought you home," he explained. "I thought it was the least I could do, considering I was the cause of your fear."

I looked away. He took notice of my silence and looked up at my sickly form. I caught his eyes with mine, but quickly looked away biting my lip.

"You also helped me," I mumbled.

~Stiles' POV~

She barely mumbled those four little words, but unbeknownst to her I heard every single syllable. I smiled to myself pretending I didn't hear anything, as she probably intended.

"You should be at school," she coughed out.

"Yes and you should be in bed," I smirked.

"Well...," she huffed out.

"I'm just messing with you, but you really should be resting," she smiled at me.

"Thank *cough* you," she whispered hoarsely.

I turned around to see she was now on the couch nearest to the kitchen. I continued to make her eggs as I let her tea kettle sit and cool off. Once I finished I put the eggs on top of the already prepared oatmeal, that was still cooling down. Lydia said that this type of meal should help with her cold. I grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and put two camomile tea bags in each and added the still hot water. I sat on the couch next to her with her breakfast.

"What are you doing about school?" she picked up her breakfast. "Scratch that, what the hell is this?"

"It's oatmeal duh. Just with an added ingredient..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I can see that, I mean is it edible?" she poked the eggs with her spoon.

"Yeah..." my eyes shifted around the room as I scratched the back of my neck. "I mean, yeah..."

I gave her a weak smile as she shoved the bowl in my face. "You try it first," she sniffled.

"But I'll get your germs," I complained.

She gave me a "really" look, "Seriously, I don't think it's contagious considering it something I got from over working my powers."

We had a staring contest and let me tell you it was intense. Unfortunately I blinked first, so I gave into her. I got up and grabbed another spoon from her drawer. I sat back down and grabbed the bowl. She grabbed her cup of tea as she turned toward me in anticipation. I gave a weary smile as a I took the new spoon and broke one of the eggs' yolks onto the oatmeal. I took a spoonful of it into my mouth. To be honest it was actually really good.

"Mmm, this is actually really good," I looked up at her.

~Chris' POV~

"Yeah sure," I rolled my eyes.

"No really it's good try some," Stiles got a spoonful and brought it to my mouth.

My face heated up slightly, but hopefully he'll only think it's my fever. I hesitantly opened my mouth as he brought the spoon closer. I took the spoon in my mouth feeling the weird texture of oatmeal and egg, but to my surprise it actually tasted good.

"See it's not so bad is it," he chuckled.

"I guess...can I have some more?" I asked.

Stiles gave a smirk as he continued to spoon feed me, not that I couldn't do it myself it's just it was nice like this... I've never had anyone care for me like this, the feeling was comforting. After I finished my oatmeal, and our tea we sat on the couch and we binged watched Supernatural until I fell asleep.

~Stiles' POV~

Chris fell asleep on my shoulder. I felt her forehead and it seemed her fever had broken. She'll probably sleep for awhile, so I'll put her to bed. I'll stick around in case she wakes up or in case she doesn't and I have to wake her up to have her eat dinner. I picked Chris up bridal style and walked up stairs to her bedroom. I knelt down on her bed and set her down gently. Unfortunately, she wrapped her arms around my neck and held on tightly.

"OK Chris you gotta let go," I mumbled into her neck.

She groaned before letting go and turning over, "Jeez."

I smiled down at her sleeping form. I walked downstairs and decided to watch Torchwood.

Several hours later I went to go check on her. To my horror there was shell like substance surrounding Chris, almost like amber. I started to freak out. I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone. I dialed Lydia's number.

"Pick up Lydia, come on pick up," I frantically started to bite my nails.


"Lydia, yes ummm, yeah you mind telling me what the heck was in that recipe you gave me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, there seems to be some weird substance growing over Chris, so if it wasn't that weird recipe than what is it?"

"What?! Have you called Scott or Derek?!"

"Well, not exactly."

"So your telling me that you called me first?"

"Hey, I was panicking."

"I'll be over in a sec, just call Scott and get Derek over there. I'll call Deaton, as well to see if he knows anything."


I dialed Scott's number as I ran to Derek's.


"Scott I need you to get Chris' fast."

"What happened?"

"I don't really know, but there's something that has Chris trapped!"

"What? OK I'm on my way!" He hung up.

I rapidly knocked on Derek's door. After like a second I knocked again, a little bit harder. A moment passed before Derek finally opened the door. He look pissed.

"What do you want Stiles," he growled.

"The-thing-with-the-and-the, oh just come with me," he rolled his eyes, but followed me.

We met the whole pack at Chris'. I opened the door and led them upstairs. By now what appeared to be crystal completely covered her entire body.

"OK what the hell is that?" Malia demanded.

"I don't know. I left her to nap and when I went to check on her several hours later I found her like this," I gestured towards her.

"Well it kind of looks like a cocoon," Kira suggested.

"Yes and she is just gonna break out like a butterfly," I stated sarcastically.

"Sorry, I was only stating what I was thinking."

"Deaton says he's on his way," Lydia interrupted. Now we wait.

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