Chapter 1: I think I am in love with you

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Michael sat back in his computer chair and sighed, resting his head back against the top of the chair and gazing at the ceiling. Being at the office on the day of his birthday was fun yet tiring, to say the least. So many people had gave him hugs and pats on the back, as well as little remarks like "Happy Birthday!" or "Another year older, huh?" The only reason it was tiring was because he had been working all day and kept being interrupted by people stopping by to give him happy birthday wishes, causing him to have to work even longer than usual. And editing videos definitely wasn't exactly the most exciting thing to do, let alone being so tedious.

He stood up and shut down his computer, Ray and Geoff doing the same thing. Since it was about time to leave work, everyone was wrapping up their editing or paperwork to go home. Michael continued to pull on his jacket and pack up whatever papers and other junk that needed to go home with him. 'Dammit, the days still not over. I was gonna go out with the guys tonight and everything. Why does everything have to be so fucking tiring,' he thought to himself.

Ray finished packing up and stretched, still in a delightful mood. "Oh yeah, Michael, aren't you gonna party tonight? It's your B-day afterall. We can all go out and get something to eat or something, right?" Ray smiled at Michael, Michael gazing over at him barely comprehending what Ray just said. "It'll be Geoff's treat, y'know," Ray added, looking over and laughing at Geoff, who threatened to hit Ray with his bag playfully.

"Ah, I dunno you guys. If you want, but I didn't really plan on doing much but go drinking or some shit." Michael sighed and fixed his beanie, leaning on his chair.

"Hey, we should all go! We could stop by a restaurant not too far from your house, so you don't have to drive so far," Jack commented, shutting off his Xbox and untangling his Mic cord.

"Well, I guess.. If you all want to that bad, then let's do it." Michael let loose a small grin as the whole room started making a ruckus in excitement. He didn't even know what he was about to get himself into.


The group walked into the restaraunt and was seated in a large booth shortly, talking loudly in the crowded food joint. Ray, Gavin, and Geoff sitting on one side, while Michael, Jack, and Ryan sat on the opposite side. Ray and Michael chatted a bit, while Jack and Geoff talked noisily until the waitress came and took their drink orders, almost all of them (except Ray and Ryan who ordered some shit water that came from a soda fountain and a diet coke) asking for some sort of booze or alcoholic beverage.

Gavin sat in between Geoff and Ray, and stared down at his phone, trying to act like nothing was bothering him. He hadn't spoken very much at all today, and only when he was recording a Let's Play did he actually laugh today.

Gavin's quiet attitude was bothering Michael; it was Michael's birthday today and not once did he get anything more from Gavin but a soft "Happy Birthday.." Not like Michael actually wanted anything more than that, right? What else was he to expect, an over ecstatic birthday wish and a present? Fuck no. Then why was he so bothered by it, if Gavin had something wrong then he would've told them.


After a long and hearty dinner, the group all pitched in and payed the bill, all giving their best wishes to Michael before leaving. Michael stood by his car and saw each one leave, waving and smiling, trying to hide the fact that his feelings were far from happy. Geoff and Gavin strolled over to him (the last ones to leave) and stopped to talk to him.

"Hey Michael can I ask you to do a favor for me," Geoff said happily.

Michael looked at them both curiously, Gavin staring down at his phone as if unaware of Geoff and Michael completely. "Sure, what's up?"

Is it okay if I love you? (mavin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now