Chapter 2: Good Morning, Sunshine

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So um yea I want to update again because my feels are all over the place right now and I really am happy that I have got some reads already c: I plan to continue this (whether people read it or not) because I need to share these feels for homogaybaby ships (and maybe I will get some new reads as the story progresses) anyways, enough of my babbling, onward with the fic!


Morning came very quickly, it seemed like they had only went to sleep but a few hours ago. But since Gavin ran often on European time, he was up at the crack of dawn. Gavin was confused when he awoke, almost not remembering that he was at Michael's house, and that he confessed, and all of the other things that happened the previous night. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, the memories suddenly flooding back to him.

He stopped in shock of remembering that he confessed, but he was even more in shock at the fact that Michael had returned his feelings. He almost started bouncing on the couch out of joy like a little kid who was excited for a field trip or something.  His heart fluttered a little bit until he realized how early he had waken up. 'Bloody-- I don't know if I should leave or if I should wait for Geoff to get me or if Michael is going to take me to work..'  At that thought, Gavin whipped out his phone and texted Geoffrey, who just responded saying that Michael could take him to work.

Gavin stood up and folded all of the blankets and such that he had used and wondered around the apartment, searching for some kind of hamper or laundry room. He dumped all of his bedding into a basket of dirty clothes that he had found and walked quietly back to the living room, glancing over at Michael's bedroom door. 'I wonder if he is awake or not.. Maybe I could go wake him?'


Michael was awoken to the sound of someone quietly calling at him to wake up. He groaned and swatted at the air to gesture 'go away.' The pillows stifled almost all sound around him so he was able to sleep through the next five minutes of someone eventually yelling at him to get up. 

Gavin crossed his arms and angrily threw his arms up as he muttered to himself. He thought for a moment about what he could do that could get Michael up, and tried several different things. Pulling the sheets off: Michael still laid there sleeping soundly, apparently his sweatpants and t-shirt were enough to warm him. Poking him in the face: Michael reached out and almost punched Gavin right in the face whilst still asleep. Sitting on him-- wait what the hell was Gavin even thinking? Michael would've just pushed him to the ground and continue to sleep comfortably. 

The sun barely was poking through the curtains in Michael's bedroom, so of course he didn't want to get up, let alone need to get up. Gavin huffed a little and had to laugh at Michael being so stubborn. He walked over to Michael's side of the bed, crouched down to be face to face with Michael (who was sleeping on his side) and kissed him on the nose. Michael's eyes shot open and  his initial reaction was to butt his head against whoever kissed him. Then he realized it was only Gavin, and he groaned and rolled over on his back to face the ceiling, now wide awake. 

"Good Morning, sunshine," Gavin said cheerfully as he sat on the bed beside Michael who was now in the middle of the bed and propped up on his elbows. The curly haired boy reached over to the bed-headed boy and punched him in the arm. Gavin just giggled and reached over to the night stand beside the bed and grabbed Michael's glasses.  He put them on himself as Michael reached over to try to snatch them away.

"Give them back dammit," Michael demanded as he reached over to try to grab them from Gavin. Gavin just giggled and kept dodging the grabs. Through fits of laughter, Gavin managed to reply, "Never! Why would I give you back these little things?" Michael just sighed and sat up to be level with Gavin. 

"Why can't I just have my fucking glasses? Can't you just give them to me," Michael said sighing and looking at Gavin with an annoyed face. Gavin just smiled and stuck out his tongue, reaching up to take the glasses partially off and look through the lenses. He turned slightly to look at Michael and replied. "No, why would I do th--" 

Gavin was cut off abruptly when Michael leaned forward and kissed him gently. Gavin melted in the kiss and blushed a beet red, his hands falling to his sides as he slumped in a lazy sitting position. Mid-kiss, Michael reached up and swiped the glasses from Gavin's face, putting them on his own face. As soon as Gavin wanted a more passionate kiss, Michael pulled away and headed into the bathroom to shower. 

"The hell.." Gavin sat there and brooded for a while, being teased like that wasn't fun for him. He then looked over and realized that Michael was actually in the shower, he hadn't really been paying attention since Michael and him had kissed. Dirty thoughts began to run through his head (won't go into detail) and he began to drool again like yesterday. He reached up and smacked himself out of his lovedrunken state and stood up to go into the living room and wait on Michael. 


Michael entered the living room to find Gavin lounging on the couch watching some stupid movie on TV. Michael, snickering to himself quietly, snuck up behind Gavin and snaked his arms around his neck. Lowering his face to Gavin's, he whispered in his ear, "Boo."

Gavin jumped and Michael let go, walking around to the other side of the couch. He was laughing like a maniac and pointing at Gavin who's face was white as a sheet. Michael held out a hand to help Gavin off the couch, still giggling madly. 

"You little pleb,"  Gavin commented, pouting as he took Michael's hand and stood up. He was blushing slightly as he realized how close Michael's face had been to his when he had whispered 'boo' to him.  

"C'mon, since you fucking woke me up so early, we might as well go grab some breakfast before work." Michael slipped one his jacket and snatched up his keys. "Well, let's not stand around. Hustle hustle!" He began to push Gavin out the door again and they rushed  out of the apartment, walking down the stairs and hopping into the car. 

Gavin reached over to Michael and grabbed his free hand while he was driving, blushing like crazy. Michael just looked down at their hands and continued to drive, looking back up and smiling to himself as Gavin looked down in embarrassment.

"I love you, Gavvy."

"I love you, too, Mi-cool."

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